I have guilt by association. My father is a mason and shriner and I have done many things with him and his fellow members. I have the utmost respect for your group. Yes I have been approached many times about joining but for me its a no. The guys are great but they're not me or like me. As mentioned earlier, they are 10-20 years older than me. I already have friends that are my age and are like me so there's nothing that makes me want to be in the organization. This is where I think the masons and shriners faltered when they failed to repopulate their base with younger members. To be fair, most charitable organizations (Kiwanians, Lions, Optimist, etc...) are waning these days and that could be due to being an online society instead of a in person social society. I'll hate the day there are no mason fish frys or shriner circus but that's just our world now.