French diversity chief warns of upheaval.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Yazid Sabeg issued a wakeup call to the French nation.

On the agenda is making elite education more accessible to minorities by forcing schools to reserve 25 percent of their places for students receiving state aid.


Yazid Sabeg

Muslims living in France riot not because post-Christian France reject them, but because they reject France.

They riot because Islam is an inherently aggressive and violent religion as per the living example of their prophet and as demonstrated by the Islam's nearly universally bloody borders.

And the best solution for this problem isn't mandatory civil rights sensitivity training but to stop and reverse the tide of Muslim immigration.

It’s what happens when you permit an Islamic colony to establish a Western capital for the Islamic empire in your nation.

How’s that exporting of French culture to their homelands going?

There is no cultural exchange if it is a one way street.

The French response will be predictable!!!

Oh and one more thing:

Among other measures, political parties will be asked to sign a "diversity charter" that could become a criterion for receiving public funds, and TV stations will be required to spell out diversity goals to the country's audiovisual watchdog.
liberals and their diversity. i tell you, another easy way for the government to control people. i'm suprised America hasn't done that. of course Hussein O still has tomorrow.

i wonder if Hussein O will get a diversity chief? that sounds like a good idea.
France does not see the ultimate goal that Muslims in it's borders have. They do not want to mesh with French society, they want to crush it and supplant their Islamic culture.
so much for the hope that personal hygiene will once again become important in France.
I wonder if the Native American community sometimes wishes that they had implemented a stricter immigration policy?
I wonder if the Native American community sometimes wishes that they had implemented a stricter immigration policy?

Sadly I don't believe they ever had a choice in the matter. I'm sure they wished they would have dusted us while they had the greater numbers though.
I wonder if the Native American community sometimes wishes that they had implemented a stricter immigration policy?

Survival of the fittest. What happened to the Native Americans was necessary.
Sadly I don't believe they ever had a choice in the matter. I'm sure they wished they would have dusted us while they had the greater numbers though.

All they could have done was delayed the inevitable, they had no chance to stop it.
I wonder if the Native American community sometimes wishes that they had implemented a stricter immigration policy?

Some did, they couldn't enforce it though.

Do you offer frequent flyer discounts on your guilt trip program??

Certainly they never encouraged known enemies to come here the way some have. (basically your eastern establishment liberal and our wacko California democrats and the outright world socialists that have a very strong representation in our congress and senate.)

Newly Discovered Documents Show that Barney Frank Has Significant Blame For 9/11.

A recent “Freedom of Information” request has revealed that nearly 10,000 documents still exist that the 9/11 Commission were told were destroyed, and this may not fare very well for Barney Frank.

According to Scott Malone of and Christopher Law from the Public Education Center, these documents show that the CIA knew that several of the hijackers on 9/11 who were in the country were associated with Al-Qaeda. But authorities were powerless to deport them because of an amendment to an immigration law that Frank had authored.

According to statements by five army officers, the CIA program called “Able Danger” had identified the September 11, 2001 attack leader and three of the other hijackers as possible members of an al-Qaeda cell.

Under U.S. law now, as it was before the “Frank” 1990 amendment, we could simply pick up those foreigners whose radical beliefs might denote a threat to the country and deport them. The Frank amendment, however, put the burden of proof on the government to show that the individuals in question had previously engaged in terrorist activity. No longer could an individual be excluded from getting a visa or staying in this country no matter how extreme their beliefs.

After 9/11, when the problem of his amendment became obvious, Barney Frank still opposed denying visas to individuals even though they had been associated with terrorist organizations.

The Patriot Act restored the Federal government’s ability to bar or deport those who were affiliated with known terror groups. Frank however opposed the change that kept those sympathetic to terrorists out of the U.S. Regarding this, he wrote: "the mere espousal or endorsement, of terrorist activity casts far too wide a net of exclusion.”

Unfortunately Morse couldn't unseat Bwanee and a Soros funded opponent to Weldon was able to kick him out of congress with the help of msm media who put forth false charges of corruption against Weldon.

In case you aren't up on the topic, Frank amendments to the Immigration Act made in nearly impossible to deny visas to anyone by an already very liberal US State Department.

Then of course there was the Gorelick wall that kept US Agencies from communicating with one another.

The presence of Gorelick on the 911 was a bright red flag for anyone to see. The 911 commission was not an investigation, it was the visible face of the cover up. Too many people had too much to hide for there to be more than a carefully sanitized airing of the facts.

The method is simple and classic. Investigate certain areas in such tedious detail that everyone's heads will overload, make certain details the subject of intense scrutiny while skipping past other questions as being unimportant or settled truth.

Then also was the 'visa waiver' program of the Clinton Administration that allowed people from an assorted list of countries to come to America without a visa, using only a passport from 'country of origin' for documentation. (You should read that list of countries.)

Under this program approximately 70,000 people from the middle east went to Argentina, bought a false passport from corrupt Argentine officials and once in America disappeared into the general population using false identities with Spanish sounding names.


A photograph of Cuban leader Fidel Castro has appeared for the first time in more than two months.

It is the first released photo of the 82-year-old Castro since a Nov. 18 shot of him meeting Chinese President Hu Jintao.

The office of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez released the photo on Friday, two days after they met in Havana.

When I first read 'Tragedy and Hope' forty years ago, I was skeptical about the coming nexus between the Arabic and Spanish speaking political factions of the world, after all how could any Spanish speaking person forget the 800 years of slavery under the rule of Islam???


I was wrong.


Dedicating the statue to Simon Bolivar in Tehran, Iran.


Caracas, Venezuela now has a statue dedicated to Omar Khayam as well.

Then you have the list of useful idiots.


If not for Carter's bogus election monitoring org, Chavez wouldn't even be in power in Venezuela.

Has America evolved into an "idiocracy" yet??

Some would say yes, I lean toward that conclusion myself.
and they say Americans are a bunch of racists.


Apparently you buy into the AP propaganda rhetoric that the French are racist?? They have more than bent over backwards to appease muslim immigrants. Such are the fruits of international socialism.

Have you ever heard of the Polisario Front??

The Polisario Front is sponsored by Algeria, Cuba, Venezuela and South Africa.

Sometimes Sahrawi children are ripped from their families and sent to the “Island of Youth” in Cuba to be indoctrinated for 10-15 years with Marxist ideology. Parents are told they are getting an “education” but the children return to the region brainwashed to continue the Polisarian enslavement.

For 10 years, Morocco and the Polisario have worked under UN supervision to try and find a compromise or a solution to their differences.

Some hope the US will put pressure on the UN -- UNHCR and the World Food Program -- to establish a system to allow people to leave the camps if they choose.

Two 2005 reports document 30 years worth of fraud and abuse in the program and the recommendations within those reports could begin to help remedy the situation.

It is probably too much to expect that the UN will do anything to right these wrongs. Its record on this -- and so much else -- gives us no reason to be confident.

The US Department of State brushed off the refugees’ plea for assistance. He said State shrugged off the plea because much humanitarian aid is stolen around the world on a regular basis.

The intolerable living conditions compounded by a lack of basic human needs like food, adequate shelter and medical assistance, is a crisis that requires the immediate attention any democratic government that can help.

The Polisario formerly claimed that they housed 150,000 refugees in order to increase the aid supplies and money received from international organizations. But because they refuse to allow a census to be taken, no one realized how inflated that population number was. They lied to inflate the numbers because the more aid meant for the greater number of refugees means more they can sell on the black market.


Slavery in Mauritania.

Why not? Slavery is taken for granted in the Qur'an. It was only abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1962, and there are many indications that it still exists there and elsewhere in the Muslim world.

After three attempts at making slavery illegal, the latest as recently as 1981, Mauritania has finally enacted a law which goes further than ever before, making slave ownership punishable with a fine or prison sentence.

No-one has yet been prosecuted under the new law. "We enacted it just to meet international standards," says Bamariam Koita, director of the government's Human Rights Commission.

"A captured slave knows freedom, so to keep him you have to chain him," says Mr Messaoud.

"But a Mauritanian slave, whose parents and grandparents before him were slaves, doesn't need chains. He has been brought up as a domesticated animal."..........There are an estimated 90,000 Black Africans enslaved by Berbers in Mauritania.

Black slaves, Arab masters.

A public protest in Washington, DC, on April 5, 2005 highlighted the current (ongoing, for centuries) plight of black Mauritanians enslaved by Arab masters. The final two decades of the 20th century, moreover, witnessed a jihad genocide, including mass enslavement, perpetrated by the Arab Muslim Khartoum government against black Christians and animists in the Southern Sudan, and the same government’s continued massacres and enslavement of Animist-Muslim blacks in Darfur. These tragic contemporary phenomena reflect the brutal living legacy of jihad slavery.

The persistence of Islamic slavery is as impressive and unique as its extent. Slavery was openly practiced in both Ottoman Turkey 28, and Shi’ite (Qajar) Iran 29, through the first decade of the 20th century. As Toledano points out, 30 regarding Ottoman Turkey, kul (administrative)/ harem slavery,…survived at the core of the Ottoman elite until the demise of the empire and the fall of the house of Osman in the second decade of the 20th century.

Moreover, Ricks 31 indicates that despite the modernizing pressures and reforms culminating in the Iranian Constitutional Movement of 1905-1911, which effectively eliminated military and agricultural slavery,

The presence of domestic slaves, however, in both the urban and rural regions of Southern Iran had not ceased as quickly. Some Iranians today attest to the continued presence of African and Indian slave girls…

Slavery on the Arabian peninsula was not abolished formally until 1962 in Saudi Arabia, 32 and 1970 in Yemen and Oman. 33 Writing in 1989, Gordon 34 observed that although Mauritania abolished slavery officially on July 15, 1980,

…as the government itself acknowledges, the practice is till alive and well. It is estimated that 200,000 men, women, and children are subject to being bought and sold like so many cattle in this North African country, toiling as domestics, shepherds, and farmhands.

Finally, as discussed earlier, there has been a recrudescence of jihad slavery, since 1983 in the Sudan.

Contemporary manifestations of Islamic slavery—certainly the razzias (raids) waged by Arab Muslim militias against their black Christian, animist, and animist-Muslim prey in both the southern Sudan and Darfur—and even in its own context, the persistence of slavery in Mauritania (again, black slaves, Arab masters)—reflect the pernicious impact of jihad slavery as an enduring Muslim institution

The Sudan was scarcely 10% Arab in 1900.

Now it is at least 50%. How did this happen??

Why did it take the French to finally end the slave trade in North Africa?

And why was it — that only the British, using naval power managed to suppress the slave trade in East Africa, because not a single Muslim Arab had the
slightest moral qualms about it — nor does today!!

What about black Africa? If you wish to see the traditional Arab Muslim treatment of black Africans, look at the 2 million dead over the past 20 years of scarcely uninterrupted warfare and genocide in the southern Sudan.

And what happened when a peace was negotiated and a head of the semiautonimous Black Christian southern region was elected???? He assassinated rather shortly

If you wish to see the traditional Arab Muslim treatment of black African Muslims, prompted by the Arab supremacist ideology that Islam carries within it, and that does not admit of non-Arabs being as “fully Muslim” as the Arabs, look at Darfur.

And then they have the gall to use the word 'apartheid!!!

If you seek other examples, look at the unceasing pressure of Muslims in northern Nigeria on the Christians of southern Nigeria.

Read again the Ahiara Declaration of Col. Ojukwu, in 1969, the leader of the Biafran Nation. Advanced Christians, chiefly but not entirely Ibo, sought independence as a way of protecting themselves from the “Jihad” (Col. Ojukwu’s carefully-chosen word) being waged against them.

How about the recent riots in kenya where hundreds of black Christians were burned alive in the churches they had taken refuge in to avoid being slaughtered in the streets as thousands were??

(BTW our new POTUS openly supported those who were doing the jihad!!)

Want another example???

In 1915, the Turkish junta viciously murdered some 750,000 Assyrian Christians and 1.5 million Armenians.

For over a thousand years since the Muslim conquest of their homeland, Assyrians have lived in relative peace in the region. They have been second-class citizens of various caliphates, and there have been interludes of active persecution. But for the past 150 years, martyrdom has been their fate. In 1915, the Turkish junta viciously murdered some 750,000 Assyrian Christians and 1.5 million Armenians. Turkey has still not acknowledged this atrocity; indeed, it is a criminal offence to do so. Prior to 1915, Christians were 20% of Iraq’s population; today they are barely 2%.

Iraq's outnumbered Christians and other religious minority groups are targets of an unremitting terror campaign, and face daily murders and rapes. Archbishop Emmanuel III Delly has said of the situation that it is ‘Open persecution, as in the early centuries of the Church’. Priests are being beheaded, boys are being crucified, girls are being raped…

And where in the media is this being reported, and what is the West doing about it?

Nowhere, and nothing.

The media can only fawn over the poor persecuted palistinians in the Gaza strip who bring retribution upon themselves, their latest 'cease fire' lasted all of one day before they were firing mortars at the Israelis inauguration of another round of conflict coincideint with another inauguration in Washington D C.

Survival of the fittest. What happened to the Native Americans was necessary.

What do you think is necessary to survive in South Africa??
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liberals and their diversity. i tell you, another easy way for the government to control people. i'm suprised America hasn't done that. of course Hussein O still has tomorrow.

i wonder if Hussein O will get a diversity chief? that sounds like a good idea.

Puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeese, Joe would you not give them any more ideas??

France does not see the ultimate goal that Muslims in it's borders have. They do not want to mesh with French society, they want to crush it and supplant their Islamic culture.

In 845, the Viking raider and extortionist extraordinaire Ragnar Lothbrok slipped up the Seine with 120 ships—an estimated 5,000 men--to Paris, where King Charles the Bald paid him 7,000 pounds of gold and silver to leave in peace. (A contemporary wrote that "never had [Ragnar] seen, he said, lands so fertile and so rich, nor ever a people so cowardly.")

The French haven’t changed much in 1164 years.

so much for the hope that personal hygiene will once again become important in France.

But this will be good for the bin-Laden family perfume business!!!
In 845, the Viking raider and extortionist extraordinaire Ragnar Lothbrok slipped up the Seine with 120 ships—an estimated 5,000 men--to Paris, where King Charles the Bald paid him 7,000 pounds of gold and silver to leave in peace. (A contemporary wrote that "never had [Ragnar] seen, he said, lands so fertile and so rich, nor ever a people so cowardly.")

The French haven’t changed much in 1164 years.

But this will be good for the bin-Laden family perfume business!!!

Where's Charles Martel when you need him?
Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

Ah yes, "The Hammer!", who defeated the invading mohammedan sarecens and drove them back into Spain.

His grandson, "Charles the Great" or Charlemagne was no slouch either, he crossed Pyrenees and fought the forces of Islam there as far south as Saragossa and conquered as far east as Hungary.


Light green 771 AD, dark green 800 AD.

The high point of the Kingdom of the Franks.

Back to the muslim problem.

Reconquista timeline: (781 years)

711 to 718: Muslim armies invade Iberia and successfully push inland.

718: Pelayo, a noble Visigoth who has been elected king, defeats the Muslim army in Alcama, thus beginning the Christian Reconquest of Spain.

750: The Christians, under Alfonso I, occupy Galicia, which had been abandoned by revolting Berber troops.

778: The army of Charlemagne suffers the defeat of Roncesvalles at the hands of the Vascons; death of Roland.

791 to 842: Alfonso II conquers a number of strongholds and settles the lands south of the river Duero.

873 to 898: Wilfredo the Hairy, Count of Barcelona, sets up a Christian kingdom with a certain degree of independence from the Frankish kings.

905 to 926: Sancho I Garces creates a Basque kingdom centred on Navarre.

930 to 950: Ramiro II, king of Leon, defeats Abd al-Rahman III at Simancas, Osma and Talavera.

950 to 951: Count Fernan Gonzalez lays the foundations for the independence of Castile.

981: Ramiro III is defeated by Almansur at Rueda and is obliged to pay tribute to the Caliph of Cordova.

999 to 1018: Alfonso V of Leon reconstructs his kingdoms.

1000 to 1033: Sancho III of Navarre subdues the counties of Aragon, Sobrarbe and Ribagorza, takes possession of the County of Castile and makes an arrangement with Bermudo III of Leon with the idea of taking away his dominions from him and proclaiming himself as emperor. However, on his death, he leaves Navarre to his son Garcia III, Castile to Fernando I, and Aragon, Sobrarbe and Ribagorza to Ramiro I.

1035 to 1063: Fernando I conquers Coimbra and obliges the Muslims of Toledo, Seville and Badajoz to pay him tribute. Before his death, he divides his territories between his sons: Castile goes to Sancho II and Leon to Alfonso VI.

1065 to 1109: Alfonso VI unites the two kingdoms under his sceptre and takes Toledo.

1086: The Christian advance ogliges the Muslim kings of Granada, Seville and Badajoz to call to their aid the Almoravides.

1102: The followers of the Cid leave Valencia and the African Muslims occupy the peninsula as far as Saragossa (Zaragoza).

1118: Alfonso I of Aragon conquers Saragossa.

1135: Alfonso VII of Leon restores the prestige of the Leonese monarchy and is proclaimed emperor.

1151: The Almohades, another African dynasty that has displaced the Almoravides, retake Almaria.

1162: Alfonso II, son of Petronila and Ramon Berenguer IV, unites in his person the kingdom of Aragon and the County of Barcelona.

1195: The Almohades defeat the Castilians at Alarcos.

1212: Culmination of the Reconquest. Alfonso VIII of Castile, helped by Sancho VIII of Navarre, Pedro II of Aragon and some troops from Portugal and Leon, is victorious in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa.

1229: Jaime I of Aragon, the Conqueror, reconquers Marllorca.

1230: Alfonso IX of Leon advances along the River Guadiana, takes Merida and Badajoz, and opens up the way for the conquest of Seville.

1217 to 1252: Fernando III, King of Castile and Leon, conquers Cordova, Murcia, Jaen and Seville. Granada remains as the sole independent Muslim kingdom.

1252 to 1284: Alfonso X the Wise continues the Reconquest and is obliged to face the 'Mudejar' revolts of Andalusia and Murcia. He seeks election as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1257. Alfonso X drafts the 'Fuero de las Leyes', the forerunner of the 'Siete Partidas'.

1284: An assembly of nobles, prelates and citizens depose Alfonso X and hand over power to his son Sancho IV.

1309: Fernando IV takes Gibraltar.

1312 to 1350: Alfonso XI fights the kingdom of Granada for 25 years and in 1340 wins the battle of Rio Salado.

1369: Pedro I the Cruel is murdered in Montiel by his half brother Enrique de Trastamara, who then governs as Enrique II.

1385: The Portuguese defeat the Castilians in Aljubarrota.

1464: Enrique IV of Castile names as heir to the throne his sister, the future Isabel I, the Catholic, and disinherits his daughter Juana, nicknamed 'La Beltraneja'.

1469: Isabel I of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon are married, thus cunsummating the unity of Spain.

1492: The Catholic Monarchs, Isabel and Fernando, take advantage of the rivalry of the last Muslim governors of Spain and complete the Reconquest by taking Granada (January 2nd). Discovery of America (October 12th).

Flash ahead t500+ years to current events.

A chief Iman of a mosque is Spain issued a 'fatwa' one year to the day after the Madrid train bombings, declaring that no more terrorist attacks should be made in Spain. Why?? Because the Spanish socialist government had capitulated to all muslim demands, withdrawing it's troops from Iraq, etc, etc.

Consider the socialist inspired La Raza 'reconquista' program in America today and how their rhetoric completely ignores actual history.
Timeline history of Islamic advances in the Balkans:

1389---Muslims defeat Christian Serb defenders in Kosovo, depopulate the area and invite mountain tribe of Albanians, in exchange for converting to Islam, to take over pillaged land from Serbs.

1594---Sinan Pasha, an ethnic Albanian, who was a commander in the Ottoman Turkish Empire, burned the relics of St. Sava at Vracar, Belgrade. St. Sava is the Saint that brought Serbs into Christianity.

1878---Albanian nationalist leaders meet in Prizren, known as the First League of Prizren, to announce the creation of a Greater Albania, which will include all areas settled by Albanians, including Kosovo-Metohija, western Macedonia, known as Illirida, southern Montenegro, and northern Greece, Chameria. This is when the Kosovo or “Kosova” separatist agenda starts.

1878---Ottoman Turkish forces put down Albanian insurgency to create a Greater Albania. This was the first attempt to create an Albanian “Kosova” by an insurgency or by military force. A century later, another Greater Albania insurgency would have NATO and US backing.

1900-1918---Austria-Hungary and Italy are sponsors of a Greater Albania and support Albanian expansion in the Balkans, at the expense of Serbia.

1912---Albanian ultranationalists seize Skopje in Macedonia as part of a Greater Albania.

1920---After borders of “Jugoslavia” are legally settled under international law and recognized by the League of Nations, Albanian separatists launch a terrorist insurgency in “Kosova”, murdering Serbian civilians and police. This is known as the “kachak movement” and is the start of Albanian attempts to take over “Kosova” by military or armed force.

1941---Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini invade, occupy, and dismember Yugoslavia. They make “Kosova” a part of a Greater Albania under Mustafa Kruja. Western Macedonia is also made a part of Greater Albania by Hitler and Mussolini.

1941-1944---“Kosova” is made “independent” and part of a Greater Albania by Adolf Hitler. This is when Albanian ultra-nationalists realized their goal to create a Greater Albania and an independent Kosova under Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

1943---The Second League of Prizren, sponsored and established by Nazi Germany, reaffirms the commitment to create and maintain an independent “Kosova” and a Greater Albania under Nazi sponsorship. Later, the US and EU would replace Nazi Germany as the sponsor of Greater Albania.

1944---Albanians create a Nazi Waffen SS Division, Skanderbeg, made up mostly of Kosovo Albanian Muslims, “Kosovars”. These Albanian Muslim Nazi SS troops murder thousands of Kosovo Serbian Christians and drive thousands of other Kosovo Serbs out of Kosovo.

1944---Kosovo Albanian Muslims play a role in the Holocaust, the murder of European Jews. The Albanian “Kosovar” Skanderbeg Nazi SS Division rounds up Kosovo Jews who are sent to the Nazi concentration camp at Bergen Belsen where they are killed.

1945---Through the efforts of highly placed communist agents in British and American intelligence, Tito the Croation is allowed to become the tyrantical head of the government of the new Yugoslavia, he keeps the third largest Nazi concentration, death camp open for six more years after the end of WWII, while drawing up new boundaries for various ethnic groups.

1948---The U.S. brings Midhat Frasheri, the leader of the Nazi/fascist Balli Kombetar, National Front, whose goal is a Greater Albania that includes Kosovo, and other wanted Albanian “Kosovar” war criminals, such as Xhafer Deva and Hassan Dosti, to the U.S. to form anti-Communist forces for the takeover of Albania. The U.S. put the Communist regime in power in Albania then sought to overthrow it by means of “regime change”.

1951---The U.S. organizes and launches Operation Fiend, one of the first experiments in “regime change” in Albania. Frank Wisner is one of the leaders of the project. His son would lead the efforts in 2006 to create a Greater Albania, an independent “Kosova”, which his father failed to achieve.

1968---Albanian separatism in Kosovo emerges. Closer tries with Albania are established.

1969---Kosovo Albanians begin closer ties with Tirana and begin importing textbooks and teachers from Albania and create their own Albanian school system and university. The “Albanianization” of Kosovo begins.

1974---The Communist dictator Josip Broz Tito changes the Yugoslav constitution giving Kosovo Albanians control of Kosovo. Albanians control every area of Kosovo from the police to teachers to judges.

1981---Albanians in Kosovo demand independence or secession from Yugoslavia. They demand to be a Republic which is code for independent or a part of Albania. They demand: “We Want a Unified Albania!” Dozens are killed in separatist riots. Serbian Patriarchate in Pec is burned down but no one knows how or why.

1982---British historian Nora Beloff notes that “ethnic cleansing” originated in Kosovo when Albanian Muslims killed or drove off Serbs. Albanians begin terror campaign of ethnic cleansing against Kosovo Serbs. From 1981-1989, an estimated 20,000 Kosovo Serbs are driven out of Kosovo by Albanian ultranationalists.

1982---Ethnically motivated murders of Kosovo Serbs begin with the murders of Kosovo Serbs Danilo Milincic and Miodrag Saric.

1985---Kosovo Serb Djorje Martinovic is “found with a broken bottle up his anus.” Albanian attackers sodomized him to force him out of the province to create an ethnically pure Kosova. US media claims that Martinovic was a closet homosexual who injured himself. The brutal sodomy of Martinovic inflames passions in the rest of Serbia.

1987---Fadil Hoxha, leader of Kosovo Albanians, advocates that Albanian Muslims rape Kosovo Serb women.

1989---Murders, rapes, desecration of Kosovo Serbian property, churches, and cemeteries forces Serbian government to rescind “autonomy” that Communist dictatorship created.

1991---Albanian separatists respond by proclaiming Kosovo a republic, which is tantamount to independence, which is recognized only by neighboring Albania. Albanian separatists gain sponsorship of a Greater Albania by contributing money to Thomas Lantos, Robert Dole, and Joe Biden. The U.S. becomes the sponsor of Greater Albania.

1996---A violent and armed terrorist and separatist group emerges, the KLA/UCK, whose goal is to create a Greater Albania, an independent “Kosova”. KLA begins killing Kosovo Serb civilians and police. Dozens of Yugoslav policemen, Serbs and Albanians, are brutally murdered by the KLA.

April, 1998---95 percent of the Yugoslav population rejected international mediation on Kosovo in a referendum. The so-called Balkan Contact Group imposed new international sanctions against Yugoslavia even though the decision was by a majority of the Yugoslav population, that is, was democratically determined.

July-August, 1998---The KLA separatists takes over 40 percent of Kosovo by force, by killing Yugoslav police and driving Kosovo Serbs out. The KLA terrorist groups are well-armed and supplied. The KLA don't stop with the murder of Serbs, Jews, Roma (gypsies) and other ethnic minorities, they kill and destroy the houses of any Albanian who doesn't support them. The U.S. is one of the backers of the KLA separatists or terrorists.

1998---US State Department declares the KLA separatists are “terrorists”. US media dismisses the pronouncement.

1998---US media dismiss the fact that the Kosovo conflict is an illegal land grab, a separatist, ethnic war to create a Greater Albania. Instead, the US media concoct a deception that the conflict is about “greater rights” and “genocide”, when it is about Greater Albania, an independent, ethnically pure “Kosova”.

October, 1998---NATO plans air strikes against Yugoslav targets, which would later include hospitals, nursing homes, passenger trains, TV stations, power grids, factories, and buses. Many of these attacks are war crimes under international law.
January 15, 1999---A “massacre” is manufactured in Racak by the US media and government. In fact, those killed were KLA separatists who had murdered Serbian policemen and had been killed in combat against Yugoslav police.

February, 1999---At a staged peace conference at Rambouillet, the US demands that Serbia allow Kosovo to become an independent nation after three years and that US and NATO troops be allowed to occupy Serbia. The US diktat was meant to force a war which the U.S. had long been planning. Rambouillet was a transparent sham.

March, 1999---Yugoslavia’s democratically elected leaders reject the US peace deal as tantamount to dismemberment and military occupation, unacceptable to a sovereign state.March 24, 1999---NATO launched air strikes against Yugoslavia for 78 days, killing thousands of Serbian civilians.

After the initial cluster bombs fell on churches in Serbia on Easter Sunday morning, Serbians respond by wearing silk screened shirts with targest on them. History repeating itself??? Hitler chose Easter Sunday morning to begin his assault on American ally Serbia in Belgrade also early in WWII.

The KLA and U.S. advisers create a fake humanitarian catastrophe by telling and even forcing Kosovo Albanians to flee into Albania and Macedonia, Yugoslav forces are falsely blamed for driving out Albanians. The U.S. scores a huge propaganda success with images of refugees.

June 10, 1999---NATO forces Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw Yugoslav forces from Kosovo and to allow NATO to occupy it. NATO occupies Kosovo.

June 12, 1999---After 50,000 NATO peacekeepers begin deployment in Kosovo, over 200,000 Kosovo Serbs, Roma, Gorani, and Jews are forced out of Kosovo by Albanians. Thousands of Kosovo Serbs are murdered by Albanians as NATO takes control of the province. Over 150 Serbian Orthodox Churches would be destroyed by Albanian Muslims protected by NATO troops.

March, 2004---March Pogroms: Albanians attack the last remaining Kosovo Serbs to drive them out of the province to create an ethnically pure Shqip Kosova.

October, 2006---Serbia held a referendum and approved a new constitution which declared that Kosovo was an integral part of Serbia. This decision had the support of the majority of the population of Serbia, that is, was democratically determined

January 21, 2007---Serbia held parliamentary elections where the Radical Party won the most votes, although not enough votes to form a new government.

April, 2007---Russia rejected the Marti Ahtisaari proposal in the U.N. Security Council because it violated Serbian sovereignty by supporting Albanian separatism.

June, 2007---U.S. President George W. Bush claimed that Kosovo had to be independent "sooner rather than later." This is an issue for the UN to be decided under international law, however, not a decision for the President of the U.S.

August, 2007---Envoys from the U.S., EU and Russia began 120 days of further negotiations between Albanian separatists and the Serbian government in order to reach an agreement. No agreement was forthcoming because the only “agreement” the U.S. was pushing was an independent “Kosova”. There was nothing to negotiate about. The negotiations were a sham and a hoax.

December, 2007---Albanian separatist efforts fail at the U.N. The U.S. and Albanian goal is then to unilaterally declare independence outside of international law and the UN Charter, which is illegal and violates the sovereignty of Serbia and denies the will of the majority of Serbs. The majority of the Serbian population rejects the secession of Kosovo by Albanian separatists. This decision is reached by means of the democratic process.

February, 2008---Having failed to achieve their separatist agenda through international law and in the U.N., the U.S. switched gears and told the Albanian separatists to unilaterally declare an independent “Kosova”. This is an illegal act which violates all international norms and conventions and laws. The U.S. reliance is on military force only. The illegal measure is justified by force only.

[Above history is centered on Kosovo, the heartland of Christian Serbia and doesn't include much of the history such as the muslim sieges of Vienna and the forced immigration of Serbs by the brutal Hapsburg empire to create a buffer zone between them and the Ottoman muslim Turks. Tito redrew the borders of Croatia to include some of those Serbian populated areas into Croatia.

When Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia those Serbian populated areas didn't want to be included in Croatia (because of the brutal history of Croatian genocide against Serbians) but rather be independent or part of Serbia, the Croatian army (which greatly outnumbered Serbian forces) under the command of Croatians with a history of allegiance to the Nazis of WWII, with the help of Nato and UN 'peacekeepers' advanced into those areas, killing 12,000 to 20,000 civilian Serbians and forced 200,000 Serbians to flee into Serbia or Bosnia.

The same scenario was then replayed in Bosnia, Serbian areas were eventually (with US, Iranian, Croatian and NATO assistance) dominated by radical fundamentalist muslims with a history of allegiance to the Nazis and radical Islamo/fascists of the mideast who drove out or beheaded any opposition, including moderate Muslims.

Interestingly, many of those who are called Bosnians, are ethnically Serbian but became muslim under the 'convert or die' Islamic jihad between 1600 AD and the early twentieth century.]

So far we haven't been able to discuss at all some other Yugoslavian provinces such as Macedonia and Montenegro. Maybe someday we'll get there.

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