Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson

She is really really good. I've seen a few but would love for us to get a thread going for each show.
This is the 1st of new season...she showed that legalizing marijuana in California hasn't had an effect on illegal trafficking, rise in militias with protests, Benghazi anniversary
Thanks for posting this. I watched the segments on the border and riots. It doesn’t surprise me that legalizing weed in CA has had no effect on drug trafficking. Only the naive would believe the cartels are going to give away their market. The segment on the riots in Minneapolis just confirmed why ammo and firearms are in such short supply with neighborhoods forming their own armed militias. The guy who left war torn Somalia only to end up in ravaged Minneapolis is a true indicator of the march toward 3rd world status.
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Thanks for posting this. I watched the segments on the border and riots. It doesn’t surprise me that legalizing weed in CA has had no effect on drug trafficking. Only the naive would believe the cartels are going to give away their market. The segment on the riots in Minneapolis just confirmed why ammo and firearms are in such short supply with neighborhoods forming their own armed militias. The guy who left war torn Somalia only to end up in ravaged Minneapolis is a true indicator of the march toward 3rd world status.

Lots of Somalia's in Minneapolis. It's how Omar gets elected.
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