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Mar 31, 2007

Catching up with Clemson's Aaron Kelly

August 6, 2008 2:00 PM

Posted by's Heather Dinich

Rex Brown/Getty Images
Clemson receiver Aaron Kelly is excited about the Tigers heading into the 2008 season.

I got a chance to chat with Clemson standout receiver Aaron Kelly recently. Here are the highlights from the interview:

With so many options on offense, how do you guys keep everybody happy?

AK: That's really up to the coaches, but as I see it, when you get your opportunity you're going to have to make the most of it because there are so many players on this team that are deserving of the football but there's only one ball.

Why should people believe this is the year it's going to happen for you guys?

AK: (Laughing) Just because of all the talent we have coming back. Not just that, but what the seniors have been through during our careers here at Clemson. We've seen a lot of ups and downs. From my true freshman year, seeing the fight, being 7-1 and falling off at the end, not quite making it over that hump. I think we've learned a lot from those seasons and this is the year we get over that hump.

How important is it for you guys to represent the league on the national stage?

AK: I think it's very important because this is the conference I play in and to show we're working really hard and this is just as good a conference as any in the nation.:eek:lol: We work hard here and want to prove that to everyone.

Can you ever remember a time during your career here where expectations were this high?

AK: To tell the truth, not really. I don't think this much talent has ever come back as far as seniors and especially with the high ranking, and having the game against Alabama. It's just set up for us to have a good year. All we have to do is play well.

What weaknesses will you guys be zoned in on at camp? Everyone is talking about the linebackers and o-line.

AK: I just think that we need to come together as a team. I think our strengths will help our weaknesses and through camp we'll tighten up any places we have any doubts and I think we'll be ready for this season.

How will Cullen [Harper] handle the expectations this season?

AK: Cullen is pretty laid back. He takes the pressure very well. I still feel like he feels like he needs to prove himself. I don't think he does. He still has that same hunger, that same drive he had last year so I expect great things out of him.

I'm looking at your bio in the media guide and it says you need three touchdown receptions to break a 57-year-old record. Do you know about that?

AK: Yes.

You care about it?

AK: I do. I want to break it. I want to break every record I can. It would be great to leave a legacy here, starting with the team, and winning a national championship, ACC championship -- that hasn't been done here, and personally, breaking all the records. That way when I come here I'll have something to brag about.

You keep track of them?

AK: [Sports information guru] Tim Bourret is a walking stat machine. He's the one that tells me all the stuff. Every time I pop by he's got a new stat for me.

Odds are this season, Kelly will have a few of his own for him.

I like the part about him saying that the ACC is as good as any conference out there. And before you guys give me crap about clemson beating SC, Im just trying to show you how arrogant some clemson fans and players can be. An also the part about the bama game just being a setup for a great season, they will more than likely lose that game. They are the most overrated team in the country this year and they will once again prove it by losing to Wake, GT, UNC, NC State, Duke, or someone like that. They think they are top 10 material because they can beat a SC team without its 2 best def players by a last sec FG. Their undefeated dream will quickly be over after the first game.
Though, he was wrong about the conference comment, I didn't really see anything humorous in his interview.

I pray that they demolish Bama, and I hope you guys beat them :whistling: because I think they are extremely over-rated. I think you're just taking your anger out on Clemson, which is fine, I will find anything and everything to make Bama fans/players/coaches look stupid. Though they do a good job of that themselves
unlike every USCe fans thats pissed they cant beat Clemson, we dont really care unless its a bowl
Even funnier is that a Gamecock fan is posting Clemson news on a Vol board.
I was about to tell you guys to quit being rude to a fellow vol cause I really do get tired of that stuff....BUT, is there not a good S. Carolina site to post in? If not, Freak needs to seize the opportunity and make some more $$$$.
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As an SEC fan, I have to root for Bama to beat Clemson. However, after watching Clemson give Auburn all they could stand in their bowl game last year, I have to think that Clemson will beat Bama. In fact, I see them beating Bama by a couple of scores. We do, however, have to want Bama to have as good as a record as possible when we play them for strenght of schedule. I would like to see Bama undefeated coming into Knoxville this year. Kinda like 1996.
I will comment, but this thread is garbage.

I just think that we need to come together as a team.

That doesn't bode well for any team, no matter how much talent you have.
I have a deep hatred for Clemson for some odd reason. I really can't figure it out. But I despise them!

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