Funny article on CNN about TN fan tailgating at UGA

04' and this year were polar opposites as far as Georgia fan behavior was concerned. 2 years ago they were cocky and stuck up. This year, they knew they might get beat.
I went down to the game expecting the worst. I was shocked to find that before the game, other than two @$$holes, everybody was almost overly nice. Georgia fans were offering me burgers and bbq from their tailgating parties. I stopped by a bar to catch some of the LSU-Fla game, and of course I was getting ribbed a little bit, but the main suspect even bought me a beer. (I never got sick, so I guess they didnt poison the food or the beer). Even at the game, they were still being reasonably cordial. But... you wanna talk about Dr. Jekyl and Mr Hyde? After the game, the $hit hit the fan. My group was approached by at least a half-dozen UGA fans looking for a fight. When UT loses, I usually walk back to the car with my head down and dont say a word, even to my wife. A bunch of their fans kept talking $hit the whole way out of Sanford Stadium and out into the streets. Still, even all of that couldn't possibly have ruined my experience. I mean, cmon, we hung 51 points on em. haha
yea this guy was in the press box for the game, so i doubt he got the real experience. georgia still has the worst fans imo. on the css replay one of their students was walking behind the bench yelling "yall suck, you lost 5 straight." i guess he forgot the 9 straight they lost.
Ha ha. We love SEC football.

I got barked at and spit on, but hey, we hung a 50. Back to your kennel -- little dawgies!

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