Funny Bammers....



Bandwagon Mod
Staff member
Feb 2, 2005
This is classic from them. Bammer logic just defies reason.
Does anyone have a link to this info.?

I have read about Bama having the edge on all other SEC schools ???,
and while I do agree, I think due to our situation with NCAA, we are loosing ground.

But, our own path was trashed by within before the NCAA came a calling. Since the 80's till now is when we started down hill. We had that 11 win streek going against UT and since then we have not fared so well. I remember that so well cause I worked in TN around a bunch of cry babies and every year we won they had some excuse. A man stands up and takes it, but that does not apply to UT fans. At least, the ones I worked with.
Hello pot, please meet kettle. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by utvolpj@May 26, 2005 3:52 PM
This is classic from them.  Bammer logic just defies reason.
Does anyone have a link to this info.?

I have read about Bama having the edge on all other SEC schools ???,
and while I do agree, I think due to our situation with NCAA, we are loosing ground.

But, our own path was trashed by within before the NCAA came a calling. Since the 80's till now is when we started down hill. We had that 11 win streek going against UT and since then we have not fared so well. I remember that so well cause I worked in TN around a bunch of cry babies and every year we won they had some excuse. A man stands up and takes it, but that does not apply to UT fans. At least, the ones I worked with.
Hello pot, please meet kettle. :rolleyes:

Whew! That was a tough read.

I sure hope this wasn't a UA grad.

Unfortunately, that's par for many of the Tide fan's posts.

I was banned from Bamaonline for pointing out to the moderator that it was ironic that he misspelled 6 words in a post where he called Vol fans illeterate. (Yes, that's how he spelled it.)

Does that not drip with irony? He called us illiterate while misspelling illiterate. :p
I hope nothing but the worse for those pathetic, ignorant losers running that site.
Since the 80's till now is when we started down hill.

The lack of eloquence aside . . . This guy was even too stupid to notice that they won a MNC in 1992?!
Maybe he didn't count the 92 championship because all the players were paid. The NCAA locked them up for those practices. That school is an utter embarassment to the SEC and until they get their heads out of there @5535 and realize Tennessee is not the cause of their own corruption, they will continue to be horrid. QUIT BLAMING US AND FIX THE THINGS THAT CAUSED YOUR NCAA PROBLEMS!!!
I loved listening to Paul Finebaum today (I know, I hate him usually).....he made fun of Alabama to no end today but their excuses of late
Originally posted by utvolpj@May 26, 2005 3:52 PM
. A man stands up and takes it, but that does not apply to UT fans. At least, the ones I worked with.

:dlol: :dlol: :dlol:

That's the best one I've heard in a long time. Clearly there are no men in Bammerville because I haven't met a single Bama fan that hasn't spewed excuses about the current dominance of the Vols over Bammer.

Un-friggin-believeable. No wait -- I live here so I completely believe it. :lol:

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