Further decline of the anti-Trump Drudge report

Not a peep on drudge about the successful Seal Team 6 rescue of an American hostage in Nigeria this morning. I haven't looked at the TV news today but doubtful there has been much coverage there either. Amazing how the Democratic press and their country club Rhino friends can bury a story like that. Trump approved that or it wouldn't have happened. Of course if it had gone wrong it would be all over everywhere.
Wow, thats very interesting. All ive seen was the demise of all gop in the last year on drudge. That's very telling. Thanks for bringing this up.
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Not a peep on drudge about the successful Seal Team 6 rescue of an American hostage in Nigeria this morning. I haven't looked at the TV news today but doubtful there has been much coverage there either. Amazing how the Democratic press and their country club Rhino friends can bury a story like that. Trump approved that or it wouldn't have happened. Of course if it had gone wrong it would be all over everywhere.

It's all over the news, stop pretending it's being 'buried', you're embarrassing yourself with easily disproven statements like this.
I've noticed the change as well. The only explanations I can come up with is that someone, possibly a Democrat, has something on Matt Drudge or he doesn't actually run the site anymore.

There's articles about it if you google it. Drudge is full of himself and thinks he's a kingmaker. I remember when he did radio many years ago he used to constantly tout the hits on his website and brag how they were up a gazillion over the previous month. It went on like that for years. But more recently in the Trump era those clicks have been declining. I have to admit it's a hard habit to break when I've been checking his site for over 10 years several times a day. I still look on it occasionally but not that much.
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It's all over the news, stop pretending it's being 'buried', you're embarrassing yourself with easily disproven statements like this.

You're embarassing yourself. Comprehend what I'm saying.. In the old days the New York Times would bury this story on page 31 and no-one would see it. I can literally find dozens of stories about it on the internet if i search for it but it ain't on drudge and its not on my Google News feed. It's being buried because its a positive story for the current administration. I'll give you benefit of the doubt I don't watch much TV news, maybe they touched on it some?
You're embarassing yourself. Comprehend what I'm saying.. In the old days the New York Times would bury this story on page 31 and no-one would see it. I can literally find dozens of stories about it on the internet if i search for it but it ain't on drudge and its not on my Google News feed. It's being buried because its a positive story for the current administration. I'll give you benefit of the doubt I don't watch much TV news, maybe they touched on it some?

Cool story. It's everywhere including drudge, your attempt to steer a narative is dog sht. Hell, I learned about it from a Google News feed.
Cool story. It's everywhere including drudge, your attempt to steer a narative is dog sht. Hell, I learned about it from a Google News feed.

You're a liar. There's nothing about it on drudge. I'll get some screen shots...
Current screenshots from my phone of drudgereport. There's not a single peep about this seal team 6 story and there hasn't been since around 8am this morning. That's how a story gets buried @Septic on the internet and that's why all of us real conservatives need to quit clicking on Drudge.


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Current screenshots from my phone of drudgereport. There's not a single peep about this seal team 6 story and there hasn't been since around 8am this morning. That's how a story gets buried @Septic on the internet and that's why all of us real conservatives need to quit clicking on Drudge.

Ya dun goofed kid.


You should probably read your screenies a little closer. You gotta bring your A game in the PF my man. This kind of bush league stuff ain't gonna fly.
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There's articles about it if you google it. Drudge is full of himself and thinks he's a kingmaker. I remember when he did radio many years ago he used to constantly tout the hits on his website and brag how they were up a gazillion over the previous month. It went on like that for years. But more recently in the Trump era those clicks have been declining. I have to admit it's a hard habit to break when I've been checking his site for over 10 years several times a day. I still look on it occasionally but not that much.
I’ve marked it off my list. It’s nothing more than a liberal ass rag now
I wonder why it is we find ourselves in parallel universes when it come to news and facts? If you block out everything that doesn't conform to your view how do you expect to be fully informed?
I wonder why it is we find ourselves in parallel universes when it come to news and facts? If you block out everything that doesn't conform to your view how do you expect to be fully informed?

Well put. It's dangerous to all of us. I don't even block people on this board.

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