Game Changer: A Nuclear Saudi Arabia



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007

Iran nuclear deal: Will Saudi Arabia now seek a nuclear program of its own?

However, it’s worth keeping a few things in mind. First, as Steve Cook wrote last year, Saudi Arabia “has no nuclear facilities and no scientific infrastructure to support them,” so building a bomb from scratch could be a long and daunting process.

But what if Saudi Arabia simply bought itself a nuke? A BBC Newsnight report earlier this month suggested that “nuclear weapons made in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery” should the Saudis decide they want them.

I think this move has two objectives. The first one is mentioned in this article. The second objective is not so obvious. If the Saudis agree to get paid in currencies outside of dollars, then they risk being labeled a terrorist state by the US govt and could put themselves on a hit list, so this could be a way to protect themselves from that scenario, also.
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God I hope so! Just think soon the middle east will consume itself in a nuclear hellfire and make the world a much, much better place.
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So... now with the help of our alleged adversary the CCP, the Saudis (our alleged ally) are now able to develop and build their own ballistic missiles. How much longer before they move in the direction of a domestic nuclear program?

Saudi Arabia Is Building Ballistic Missiles With China's Help | ZeroHedge

CNN reported on Thursday that US intelligence agencies have concluded Saudi Arabia is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China.

As the world’s largest importer of arms, Saudi Arabia has purchased ballistic missiles from China in the past but has not previously had the ability to manufacture them.
Video from earlier this week. Biden may be trying to tempt the Saudis with a weapons program.

And now today this comes up after the BRICS Summit...

Saudi Arabia Weighs China Bid To Build Nuclear Power Plant | ZeroHedge

Those officials also admitted to the WSJ that the idea to consider the Chinese bid was an attempt to gain leverage in talks with the U.S. about its help for Saudi Arabia’s civil nuclear program, and potentially extract some compromise on the non-proliferation issues.

The Middle East is not known for its nuclear power generation capabilities. With all its oil wealth, the region has traditionally relied on fossil fuels to meet its electricity needs.

In 2020, the first nuclear power plant in the Arab world began operating in the UAE. Plans are to expand it to a facility that would meet a quarter of the country’s electricity demand.

However, observers warn any expansion of nuclear capabilities in the sensitive Middle Eastern region could lead to a nuclear arms race that could end in disaster.

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