Game Thread

I guess I'm gonna have to watch the game all by myself.

Where are y'all at???? :dunno:
Did y'all see Minnesota take out Duke tonight? They MIGHT be able to beat Pukeonn!!
Minnesota looks tough. I never dreamed they could beat Duke. I had already penciled in Duke in the championship game.
I just saw the end of the game. I was watching American Idol!!! B)

I would love to see them beat UConn. They could!!! Im not going to hold my breath though! :rolleyes:
Tennessee hasn't gotten hot yet. They'd better hurry up! They're down by SEVEN!
Yep, we're not looking too good tonight so far. Down 8 now.
Tennessee has a mental edge on Stanford. You know Stanford has to keep thinking
"We have never beaten this team."
Going down to the final seconds. Tie game!!

This seem familiar to you?

GO Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bow: ;) B) :cool: :good: :thumbsup: :peace2: :rocks:

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