Gameday/Trip Questions



Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2014
Ladies and gentlemen,

I decided to start my own thread for this and ask my specific questions.

I will be traveling to Knoxville tomorrow morning and am very excited. I bring with me my girlfriend, her brother, and a few other friends. This will be my first game attended since the days of Manning/Martin. I cannot wait. Anyway, the questions.

1. Ye Olde Steakhouse. A must? I've been told so.

2. Is the lost sea in Sweetwater worth visiting? It looks cool and we're thinking about going Saturday morning.

3. Boomsday/fireworks (Saturday correct?), worth the hassel since we'll definitely be dealing with the gameday crowd?

4. Other must eat at places?

5. Alcohol, what are the store hours in Knoxville like (here in Memphis, liquor stores close at 11 and are closed on Sundays.) Also, what's the stadium's stance on it? Should I sneak in some airplane bottles?

Thanks in advance for the advice!
1. Ye Olde SH is quality but very pricy. For a great hamburger, try Littons off of Broadway. A little pricy as well but with incredible desserts.

2. I have never been to the Lost Sea so I cannot answer. Tuckaleechee Caverns in Townsend is a great family attraction. Also try Ijams near downtown Knoxville. Pretty cool place. And free

3. Get there early for a decent parking space and plan on staying all day. Enjoy downtown. It is a great place with lots to do. Need to hit Mass General Store on Gay St

4. A little hole in the wall but great dry rub ribs and wings is a place called Sweet Peas about 15 minutes south of Knoxville. Worth every penny

5. Can't help you on this one. Liquor stores are closed on Sundays here as well if I'm not mistaken.

Enjoy Ktown!!
1. I've never eaten there, no opinion.
2. The Lost Sea is lots of fun, and very interesting to visit. I recommend it.
3. Boomsday is a's worth the time and effort.
4. If you don't mind a little drive to Oak Ridge, then Big Ed's Pizza has the best pizza outside of New York City, and a fun atmosphere.
5. Can't help there....I like to remember the games when I pay to see them.
Get your booze Saturday.
Ye olde is a money pit.
Boomsday is fun if you have never been but just the fireworks, the rest of the day is just blah.
I think Copper Cellar downstairs is a great atmosphere and meal. Also, the west Copper Cellar has a great brunch on Sundays.
1. It's good, but not a must IMO.

2. Never been

3. We are doing boomsday for the first time as well--Plan on spending the day downtown, taking in festivities, watching games somewhere then checking out the fireworks.

4. Anywhere downtown is good food and the atmosphere is great.....

5. You will be "searched" upon entry into the stadium.... I've heard of people (not me of course :) )hiding them in certain places w/ no problem.
1. Not a must by any stretch.

2. Skip this. There's better ways to spend Labor Day weekend.

3. Booms Day is great. The fireworks are fun, and all of campus, strip and downtown will be loaded with people the entire night.

4. I'll second the downtown recommendation. Market Square has some nice places. Downtown grill is really good on Gay St.

5. Ya, airplane bottles and flasks are commonplace. As long as you don't go through the student gate, there's no real search.
1. Its good, but didn't blow me away.

2. Never been. Never really interested me much.

3. If you've never been and can go, you should go at least once. Its definitely impressive, but there is an enormous amount of people and that makes it unenjoyable to me.

4. I'm a Brazeiro's fan when I'm in Knoxville. All you can eat, but expensive. You pretty much can't go wrong anywhere around Market Square.

5. Not sure. I've seen people get searched and airplane bottles thrown away. I've also went in without being searched. Your call.

Have fun!
Thanks for all the responses guys, keep em coming, I'll be going over this thread later with my girlfriend's brother and my other buddy to get our plans in order.
1. YESO is pretty expensive, and just wasn't all that good to me. Lot's of folks love it, though, so it's gotta be a personal taste thing. I would second a trip to Fountain City for Littons, or Turkey Creek (West Knoxville) for Connors for a steak. If you want to stay close in, the downstairs at Copper Cellar on the strip is great. If it's crowded, you can sit upstairs (street level) and order off the Cellar menu.
2. LS isn't bad, I just always think of it as a place kids go on field trips. If you have any kids in the group, go for it. Not too far away is the Mayfield dairy plant. They give tours (not sure about Saturdays) for free, and have a pretty cheap ice cream parlor, too.
3. Gotta do Boomsday. It's a hassle, traffic is horrible, the stuff they have leading up to it can be pretty lame, but it's the best fireworks show you will ever see in a city the size of Knoxville, maybe anywhere. The East Tennessee company that does it shoots a lot of the bigger shows in DC, NYC, etc, and will use Boomsday to try new stuff sometimes. Do all your downtown stuff and then make your way to Neyland in time for the show.
4. See 1.
5. Never can tell if you are gonna get the gate with a nosy inspector. Some times they barely look at you, sometimes they can be pretty thorough. A small bottle or two tucked into an inconspicuous spot in your belt or sock shouldn't draw much attention

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