Gas Prices



Sports Management Guru
Aug 14, 2005
Gas has jumped by .10 a gallon in Knoxville in the past hour! :realmad: This is :censored: ridiculous!

Vol Insider :ninja:
Yeah i knew this was coming me and my wife filled up this morning, i wonder how high its going to go this time, i heard $4 a gallon
Went up about .30 cent here today and the blame hurrican doesn't hit til Sat...rediculous! :banghead:
Read in the paper today that Exxon/Mobil made a $20 billion profit this past QUARTER!! Who's getting screwed???
Originally posted by hmanvolfan@Sep 22, 2005 11:14 PM
Read in the paper today that Exxon/Mobil made a $20 billion profit this past QUARTER!! Who's getting screwed???

Them if we ever come up with an alternative source! :banghead:
The big oil companies will never allow an alternative source until we are ALL screwed and there's no choice but to do so.

We need a National don't buy gas day and a National get to work some other way, once a month.
Originally posted by hmanvolfan@Sep 22, 2005 10:14 PM
Read in the paper today that Exxon/Mobil made a $20 billion profit this past QUARTER!! Who's getting screwed???

They suck!!! :banghead:
The oil companies are making a "killing." :yuck: Has anyone noticed what the gas prices are in other parts of the world-Iraq, Europe? Varies from under 20 cents a gallon to over $6-$7 per gallon depending on the country. :question:
Let's just hope we don't see a jump of $1 a gallon with Hurricane Rita. :cross:
Price gouging is what's happening in most areas. :yuck: :nono:
Originally posted by TennFan@Sep 23, 2005 10:49 AM
Has anyone noticed what the gas prices are in other parts of the world-Iraq, Europe? Varies from under 20 cents a gallon to over $6-$7 per gallon depending on the country. :question:

Has more to do with ease of availabity and government regulation/taxation than anything else.
as Rita has'nt produced the problems as Katrina did, could'nt the rise in gas prices just before Rita made landfall be considered price gouging?
Originally posted by dan4vols@Sep 24, 2005 12:55 PM
as Rita has'nt produced the problems as Katrina did, could'nt the rise in gas prices just before Rita made landfall be considered price gouging?

It's definitely something that needs to be examined. I think a lot of it though is oil buyers driving up the price of futures because they got jittery at the prospect of refineries shutting down and platforms in the Gulf being destroyed and supply being interrupted for a period of days or even weeks.

We should know pretty fast if any of this came true. The reports I'm hearing indicate otherwise, so hopefully the Oil market will pull back a little bit.
its definatley a oil mans market. You recoupe losses before they even happen, gouge the middle class and the working poor deep and hard...and with an oilman texas president I wouldnt hold my breath for any relief to come from the white house in the form of price controls :devilsmoke:

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