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For those who may think communism wouldn't be all that bad, do a little research on
"Global Museum of Communism"
Tell me how obambi's plan of getting America more involved in Africa (while promoting communists who are generallly muslim friendly at least using them until they can set up their petty dictatorships) is going to help anyone, least of all the average black african. (not to say that whites in zimbabwe, south africa and some other areas should be put on the 'endangered species' lists.)
Just yesteday a teacher in Mauritania was murdered for no reason other than being white, and all he was trying to do was teach them basic computer skills. BTW, in Mauritania there are still nearly a million black africans held in slavery by their muslim masters.
A must read article!!!!
(both for those of us who are hip to what's happening and to the obambi sheeple as well.)
But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
The final collapse has come with the election of Barrack Obama/ His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.
Besides reading Griffin, Sutton gives some enlightening insights.
The above two books are available on line free, you can't beat that deal.
Griffin's 'Creature from Jekyll Island'.
Quigley's 'Tragedy and Hope' is also enlightening.
Dr. Quigley tells of the panic the Establishment went into at the formation of the Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations in 1953 with Congressman Carroll Reece of Tennessee as chairman. In substance, Dr. Quigley admits the truth of the excellent book by Rene A. Wormser called Foundations: Their Power and Influence which detailed the facts about foundations as uncovered by the Reece investigation. Here are some criticisms of tax-exempt foundations given in the Wormser book:
a) How they interlock into a monolithic monopoly of power to carry out globalist policies.
b) How they develop an elite corps of social engineers with a compulsive drive to remake the world along Socialist lines.
c) How the foundation-sponsored Kinsey report was deliberately designed as an attack on Judaic - Christian morality.
d) How they imported a Swedish Socialist to produce a study on American Negro which has been used to justify revolutionary activities.
e) How they use the ultimatum 'conform or no grant' to subvert and American education.
f) How they finance and promote Socialist textbooks.
g) How they push Rhodes scholars into Government service.
h) How they produce history books which keep Americans from learning the truth.
i) How they promote the United Nations as the home base for the Socialist-Communist coalition.
Dr. Quigley adds a new dimension to the China story. He says: 'The influence of the Communists in IPR is well established, but the patronage of Wall Street is less well known.' He shows how the IPR money came from the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and specific Wall Street interests, adding, 'The financial deficits which occurred each year were picked up by financial angels, almost all with close Wall Street connections,' including Frederick Vanderbilt Field, Thomas Lamont, the senior head of J.P. Morgan and Company, and his son, Corliss Lamont.'
Dr. Quigley, in talking about the loss of China, admits the thesis of the great book by John T. Flynn, While You Slept, who was the first to expose how the leading book review journals are loaded to aid the Communists. Dr. Quigley states: 'It is also true that this group, from its control of funds, academic recommendations, and research or publication opportunities, could favor persons who accepted the established consensus and could injure, financially or in professional advancement, persons who did not accept it. ..............
Dr. Quigley explains in detail how for generations the international financiers have dominated American universities through their control of university endowment money.
Anthony Sutton was drummed out of academia btw.
In describing the Communist sympathizers and fellow travelers who took over in the United States under the Roosevelt Administration, Dr. Quigley says: 'It must be recognized that the power that these energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie.'
Dr. Quigley admits that nothing panics the international Establishment like the possibility of a threatened exposure. Whenever the public became somewhat aware of the conspiratorial processes, the vast, interlocking power structure of the whole London-Wall Street combine immediately shifted into high gear to cover up their agents and their tracks.
This is why the Establishment has viciously attacked nearly every Congressional investigation. Congressional hearings are the best sources of unvarnished truth we have had in America in the last 35 years. (book published in 1967)gs
Support the "Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009,
H.R. 1207!!
I have NO guilt. NONE!
If questioning that racist Socialist in the White House makes me a racist. I wear the label with pride.
You know when Bill Cosby spoke to the NAACP and placed plenty of blame for their problems at their own feet, they wanted to kill him but when he said; "Today's whites are treating us the same as their grandparents did," he received a standing ovation.
I thought of my grandmother back in the depression who went and spent the week with a sick black woman, cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and nursing her back to health
for over a three month period. And that meant building a fire in the stove to cook and a fire under the kettle to wash clothes.
On weekends my grandmother would come home and do all that work all over for her own family and I just fail to see how that opressed anyone, we all thought it was being good neighbors.
And on the other side of the family, my granddad had a small dairy and had two elderly black men who lived on the farm and during the depression my dad said there would be at least two and as many as twelve men who would stop by the farm which was considerably off any main thoroughfare and ask for work every day, saying; 'we'll work from sun up to sun down just for food and a place to sleep,' but grandad had to turn them away because he was delivering milk to people who couldn't pay, telling my dad; 'son those babies need milk just as bad as if their parents could pay for it,' until his credit ran out and then he had to go out of business.
But there was never a thought of turning out the black men who were already there, they were considered part of the family really.
No doubt the NAACP no doubt has a secret agenda and the NOI preaches racial hatred far worse than anything I've ever seen elsewhere, but we are supposed to accept everything they say.
BS!! :no:
"Skippy" trashing out Clarence Thomas for straying off the democrat socialist communist plantation!!