Gator fans having a hard time dealing with facts

after the first two post by gators I just couldn't read anymore. I hope the know that snow will fall in gainsville in the middle of july before they beat us this year.
Ahh, you gotta read more than that. At least to the posts I made that really seemed to rile them up. LOL
What's funny is some of them really believe we are scared of them now because they have a better coach. Like we haven't faced good coaches before. LOL
Meyer is a damn good coach.

Whether its that SEC Titles or NC rings...I am impressed
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Originally Posted by tigerbait
It seems as if ever since Meyer has named the HC at UF the expectations for his UF program have snowballed.
I think he has come in and rejuvinated a program that was very use to success but it just seems like it is too much at this point.
You talk to UF fans and you would think they were coming off an undeafeted MNC, the #1 recruiting class, and the entire starting team from last year will be returning for the upcoming season.
To me it seems that UF has expectations that are almost unattainable for their current team. I think UF has a good team and will be at the very least a top 20 team and probably end up in the top 12.
I just want to know whats going to happen to UF when they drop their first game next year. Does the wind fall out of the sails when the majority of UF fans that know little about football suffer their first L? Is Urban going to be thrown under the bus if he losses 3 or more games next year? Do people start questioning his offense when it is not effective in the SEC or causes a key player, like Leak, to go down for the rest of the season?
I am not saying that any or all of these things will happen I just want to know how UF will react once the season actually starts and things dont go the way they are planned.

What happens when we win 10 or 11? Leak puts up Heisman numbers? Do people like you eat crow? I doubt it.

Its so stupid when people try to speak like you know whats going to happen. And we'll see how ineffective our offense will be.

This guy here is on some serious drugs LMFAO....Chris Leak will never put up Heisman numbers
Gman is alright, until you he gets in defense mode about the Gators. Then he gets a little wacky sometimes.
from dan4volsNOT WTG ainge you basically copied what e1 else already read...congrats...gators will beat tenn this year by a bunch...why?...yards after 1st contact...tenn is nationally ranked #1 in poor fundamentals....get ready to give it up to meyer...what? contingency plan should meyer be as good as advertised?...typical fulmer....vols will lose to gators/tigers ....go 9-2 then will whine about the bowl theyre gifted because of fan dollars
I think "The Swamp" is haunted, so I always dread it when we play them down there.

The game is always very atypical, regardless of who wins. That place is eerie in a lot of ways.
Originally posted by dan4vols@Jun 13, 2005 12:43 AM
from dan4volsNOT  WTG ainge you basically copied what e1 else already read...congrats...gators will beat tenn this year by a bunch...why?...yards after 1st contact...tenn is nationally ranked #1 in poor fundamentals....get ready to give it up to meyer...what? contingency plan should meyer be as good as advertised?...typical fulmer....vols will lose to gators/tigers ....go 9-2 then will whine about the bowl theyre gifted because of fan dollars

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! gators aren't going to beat anyone in orange this year by a whole lot....Say it with me danny boy....CRACK IS BAD! :neener:
I dont buy into the meyer "myth". It isnt because im vol's thru and thru.

Its bigtime, tradition rich football, SEC. I do believe zookie left the freezer full of talent, But in come's a different mind and different game.

Leak as Heisman? He's smart, good arm, tough and knows the system, Oh wait! New system,and it isnt what id think of being in his best interests.

If our proven Offense and experienced talent is slowed or stumbles, I believe we have the Defense that win's game's. LSU most everyone's pick for the west, appears to be back.

When we go to Baton Rouge sept 24th, I believe our D wins that game!
If your a disgruntle FLA fan, Dont watch it, just wait for the rerun Dec3rd
Anyone else remember that sweet tune flowing thru Neyland sept 18th 04? How did it go? Its good...Its good to be.....We might be a bit Cocky too, but with basis.
Originally posted by Vol67@Jun 13, 2005 2:57 AM
How in the Heck did you get Gator Fans and Facts in the same sentence?

Thats like trying to pull a knock knock joke on a bammer. Screw the punch line, they keep thinking it's Bear Buy'm at the door.
Football cant start fast enough so Meyer can prove whether he can live up to the hype or not....either way, someone will eat crow..I have alot of times, and I just hope its not me this time! B)
Well I just don't see how all of this hype can just come off a coach. All I know is that Ron Zook isn't that bad of a coach that once a new coach came in that that is their answer to all of their questions. And I do know that the best play calling in the world can't help there db situation.
I love how the Gator fan it was stupid of us to predict what we thought would happen then probably proceeded to say Meyer would win 10-11 games
No crow eating here. I haven't said that he wouldn't do anything. All I have said was that it is a little ridiculous what some Gators are expecting.
the gators will come ready to play but if meyer tries that unorthodox offense in the sec he wont get meyer bring that utes offense to florida and well stomp them i hate gators

Man, telling your opinion (and the truth, at this point) really seems to get on people's nerves...
Originally posted by orangetd88@Jun 13, 2005 11:05 PM
Man, telling your opinion (and the truth, at this point) really seems to get on people's nerves...

Truth hurts many times

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