Gatorsports message board

Florida fans over there don't have anything better to do than to bash us...Oh well, all I can say is TWO(fixing to be 3)IN A ROW!!!! I wouldn't say they were scared though....I can't wait till football season, just to hear the excuses that come up when we beat them.
You might check your bulk mail or spam folder. GSMB is usually a pretty decent site (for a Gator board anyway) and I know there are a lot of TN fans that are regulars there. Right orangetd?
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Aug 6, 2005 12:33 AM
Did you put the right email address in?

Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 6, 2005 12:43 AM
The OWB troubleshooter, hard at work. :p

:laugh1: :laugh1: Open internet explorer and click on the tools menu...oh, nevermind.
I dont do any rivals or else sites. Why waste time?

We know what they think, or what they say........Has it ever mattered?

Its hard enough to BleedOrange on a VOLs board.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Aug 5, 2005 11:33 PM
Did you put the right email address in?

Yes..because I got the first email from them saying I would get another one saying the account was active. That was two days ago, and I have emailed them 3 times and still no reply. It just makes me mad because the only reason could be because my name I picked is volsrock. They wont reply because I'm a Vol.
Send a PM to NcGatorbait either here or there. He is a mod there and should be able to get in touch with an admin that can help.

Peace Cross
Originally posted by volsrock12@Aug 6, 2005 8:58 AM
It just makes me mad because the only reason could be because my name I picked is volsrock. They wont reply because I'm a Vol.

I really don't think that is the reason. They are looking for members just like us and could probably care less what your member name is.
Originally posted by GAVol@Aug 6, 2005 10:29 AM
I really don't think that is the reason.  They are looking for members just like us and could probably care less what your member name is.

They care on My first attempt was blocked because my username was not approved. It was UcheaT_UAlso :rolleyes:
Originally posted by la.lovesorange@Aug 6, 2005 10:53 AM
Good name!!!!!!!! LOL

Thanks. I thought about making t-shirts and wearing them to Tuscalooserville this fall. I like being cursed and beaten.
I actually e-mailed, and the administrator said that they block all free e-mail accounts (Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail, etc.) to prevent spam.
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 6, 2005 9:48 PM
Gatorboard is probably doing the same thing as Tidefans.

Looks like it and that is sad.
It keeps member numbers down, but it is a great way to stop spammers. I have been on boards that get bombarded with spam... It's not a pretty thing.
Just to make sure there was no conspiracy, I just went over to Gatorsports and registered as "MegaVol" . . . . I had a confirmation e-mail back from them in about 30 seconds.

That was my last visit to Gatosports. :lol:
Originally posted by GAVol@Aug 6, 2005 9:59 PM
Just to make sure there was no conspiracy, I just went over to Gatorsports and registered as "MegaVol"  . . . . I had a confirmation e-mail back from them in about 30 seconds.

That was my last visit to Gatosports.  :lol:

I got the confirmation email but it says

"Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured."

that email has never came!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh . . . well that still doesn't change my desire to ever go back over there. :D What's the point?
Originally posted by volsrock12@Aug 6, 2005 11:11 PM
I got the confirmation email but it says

"Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured."

that email has never came!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is standard protocol..I've registered a name and it taken 3 or 4 days before....gatorbait86 is the only one that ok's new members and he hasn't been around.

BTW, if you've ever read GSMB you'd know they dont keep posters out with "VOL" in their name...they encourage it....we have some very good Vol posters drop in from time to time.

PM has been sent though. :thumbsup:

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