Georgia’s Director of Sports Medicine has WuFlu

Contact tracing only applies to unvaccinated and I think most sec teams are at +90% rate so unless a starter or two isn’t vaccinated then it probably won’t matter. They’ll still use it as an excuse if they lose though!
Even if you are vax'd, you can spread it to others. That's why everyone is getting vax'd. If they have to forfiet the opening game it would be the most georgia thing ever, but there is way, way, waaaayyyyyyy too much money on the table for them to do that. No way they call it. Not. A. Chance.
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Would be funny as all get out if they had to forfeit their first game. I hope not want to see them get curb stomped by Clemson, but it would be funny.

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Nah, it's UGA vs Clemson. NCAA won't do anything. Too much money to be made. Plus, they're too busy declaring Tennessee players ineligible for ridiculous/obsurd reasons that occured 4 years ago.

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