Georgia Sen. Warnock Under Investigation For Voter Registration Misconduct

Duh. Submitting applications late is not fraud. It is the job of the Election Commission to look at registration applications and determine whether to accept or reject them.
Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock used loophole to bypass outside income limit by $125K

Warnock reported earning nearly $155K from the Ebenezer Baptist Church last year, $125K of which was reported 'deferred compensation'

Democratic Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock bypassed outside income limits last year by using a "fabricated" loophole, according to a report.

Warnock's financial disclosure shows he received $154,895 in compensation from Atlanta's historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in 2022, while outside income for senators is limited to around $30,000.

However, Warnock exceeded the limit by claiming that $125,000 of his pay from the church was "deferred compensation for services before January 20, 2021," the Washington Free Beacon reported.


"If it was inaccurately reported on his filing and the money was actually earned after he became a senator, then the outside earned income limit would apply," Kendra Arnold, executive director of the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, told the Free Beacon.

Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock used loophole to bypass outside income limit by $125K

Warnock's Church Resumes Evictions From Low-Income Apartment Building as It Enriches the Senator​


With Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.) safe and secure in the Senate for the next six years, the church where he collects a salary as a part-time pastor is back to evicting residents of the low-income apartment building it owns—a subject that became a flashpoint in Warnock's 2022 reelection campaign.

Since the Democrat won reelection in December, Fulton County court records show, the apartment building owned by Ebenezer Baptist Church has moved to evict six residents. The building, Columbia MLK Tower, has received over $15 million in federal and state funding to shelter the "chronically homeless," but has nonetheless taken four residents to court this year for falling behind on rent by less than two months. Law enforcement officials forcibly ejected another resident from the pest-infected building in July.


Warnock's Church Resumes Evictions From Low-Income Apartment Building as It Enriches the Senator​

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With Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.) safe and secure in the Senate for the next six years, the church where he collects a salary as a part-time pastor is back to evicting residents of the low-income apartment building it owns—a subject that became a flashpoint in Warnock's 2022 reelection campaign.

Since the Democrat won reelection in December, Fulton County court records show, the apartment building owned by Ebenezer Baptist Church has moved to evict six residents. The building, Columbia MLK Tower, has received over $15 million in federal and state funding to shelter the "chronically homeless," but has nonetheless taken four residents to court this year for falling behind on rent by less than two months. Law enforcement officials forcibly ejected another resident from the pest-infected building in July.

a slum Lord..liberals are so fos
A taxpayer funded slum lord, and the people of Georgia are proud that they elected him.
Hopefully one day the GOP in GA will stop backing candidates who are Trumpers. Doesn't work in state wide elections. As has been proven time and time again in Georgia. Walker and Warnock are massive shat bags.
Hopefully one day the GOP in GA will stop backing candidates who are Trumpers. Doesn't work in state wide elections. As has been proven time and time again in Georgia. Walker and Warnock are massive shat bags.
I agree, there needs to be a new game plan in Georgia.. a more moderate approach might be a better tactic.. I lived in Fulton county one summer in college (don’t ask).. and it’s a very odd mix of people (more so than Nashville even, imo)
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I agree, there needs to be a new game plan in Georgia.. a more moderate approach might be a better tactic.. I lived in Fulton county one summer in college (don’t ask).. and it’s a very odd mix of people (more so than Nashville even, imo)

Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate in Georgia should be more aligned with the democrats on the issues?
I agree, there needs to be a new game plan in Georgia.. a more moderate approach might be a better tactic.. I lived in Fulton county one summer in college (don’t ask).. and it’s a very odd mix of people (more so than Nashville even, imo)
you cannot come on here and imply some scandalous behavior and not have us ask can you?
Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate in Georgia should be more aligned with the democrats on the issues?
Or pretend to be.. isn’t that what the Dems do sometimes? 😂 and then you do a switcheroo… Gov Brashear in Kentucky goes pretty conservative at times, and there is a big D by his name.. we have to be more pragmatic I think.. what can we give a little on and what is a hard ‘no compromise’ (in just a Georgia.. everywhere else the hardline approach is fine)
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