German nuns sold boys to sexual predators

So Q was wrong again? Huh???šŸ˜³
Yes Q was wrong. Do I need to actually site the specific drops that were wrong? Yes pedophilia exists. It takes no inside info to make that claim. It take being a moron to believe in pizza gate and 90% of what Q claimed. Let me know when Trump and JFK Jr. show up at Mount Rushmore.
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Yes Q was wrong. Do I need to actually site the specific drops that were wrong? Yes pedophilia exists. It takes no inside info to make that claim. It take being a moron to believe in pizza gate and 90% of what Q claimed. Let me know when Trump and JFK Jr. show up at Mount Rushmore.

Nobody knew pedos existed until Q.
Nobody knew pedos existed until Q.

The real surprising thing to me is, how easy some people believe the idea that political opposition leaders are pedos, just bc they don't like them. It makes zero sense. The GOP accusation of Pedo, is the opposite side of the same coin, as Dems screaming racist. It's a lot darker though.
Reminds me of this.

Day-care sex-abuse hysteria - Wikipedia

**** that sounds unbelievable usually is.

I'll believe it when those nuns get convicted. Shouldn't be hard to find evidence of an evil nun sex slave empire.

One of the guys in the story said the nuns came to his college dorm, drugged him, and delivered him to pedophiles. Multiple times. Multiple times???
The real surprising thing to me is, how easy some people believe the idea that political opposition leaders are pedos, just bc they don't like them. It makes zero sense. The GOP accusation of Pedo, is the opposite side of the same coin, as Dems screaming racist. It's a lot darker though.
Who in the GOP is calling political enemies pedophiles? Must have missed that one.
Not elected officials. Check out the Q thread. Full of Trumpers doing this. Or the pizzagate thread. Same thing
I mean it's an awful false equivalency. Random internet posters talking about conspiracy theories is not in the same universe as elected officials baselessly calling political opponents racists.
I mean it's an awful false equivalency. Random internet posters talking about conspiracy theories is not in the same universe as elected officials baselessly calling political opponents racists.
I wasn't claiming elected officials were. I was claiming GOP supporters were. Well there is a chance that loon Congress woman from GA believes. She does "back" Q.
The real surprising thing to me is, how easy some people believe the idea that political opposition leaders are pedos, just bc they don't like them. It makes zero sense. The GOP accusation of Pedo, is the opposite side of the same coin, as Dems screaming racist. It's a lot darker though.

That's how trump got treated, no ??
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