Global warming theology.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Their god is dead.

Global warming was an academic Ponzi scheme. Its leading proponents were mini-Madoffs, peddling a vision of global catastrophe to gullible activists, bureaucrats and policymakers. The vision was so vast, the fear it inspired so pervasive, that it seized popular imagination, aided ably by hucksters like former Vice President Al Gore and his science-fiction feature film "An Inconvenient Truth."

But like any Ponzi scheme, global warming only worked if everyone kept investing and no one looked at the books. Once the truth came out - of manipulated findings, phony data, rigged peer-review processes and intimidation of skeptics - the scheme began to collapse.

Yet even as the edifice comes down, the adherents of the orthodoxy say that there is nothing to see, that this is all a distraction from the business at hand, that there is still no time to lose, full steam (or solar power) ahead.

But it is far too late for that. The veil has been pierced, the myth revealed, the scales have fallen from the people's eyes. The pagan priests are fleeing the temple, their sacred idols are being pulled down, their holy works renounced. Their god, finally, is dead.

If justice could be done we would see Al Gore and others behind bars.

Oh wait, I wouldn't want him mixing my drinks. :hmm:

Explaining it in simple terms.
Interesting you should ask, I saw a flock of snow birds come in Wednesday morning on the storm front that ended up delaying the Vol baskeball game.

I predict a 99.9% chance of snow Saturday morning.

That was freaky storm wasn't it??

I'm thinking some of God's little snow birds may have been packing heat.

I'll check my weather rock Saturday morning to see if it snowed here, if not, I'll know it most likely snowed somewhere. :)
sooooo ya think it's gunna snow saturday?

Snow advisory all the way down to San Antone and the gulf of Mexico.

Icebergs in Denmark!!!!

And that's just the tip of that nasty icy crimminal fraud conspiracy, note that 70% is submerged.

There is a mad scramble for the lifeboats.

The speaker of the ruling Danish Liberal Party is now speaking up against Global Warming, undercutting his Prime Minister. In LegoLand of all places!

That, and Australia’s ruling Liberal Conservative(?!) Party’s grassroots revolt, undercutting THEIR leadership.

AND the China/India/Brazil joint statement that they won’t be playing ball, the unstoppable force seems to have suddenly met the immovable object.

Perhaps even TennTrad and IPOrange will become believers now.
The Houston area is expecting snow, this is the earliest they have ever got snow. The previous record for earliest snow was last year Dec. 10 I think. There is no such thing as man made global warming or climate change. If this is actually happening we can't cause it nor can we stop it.
The Houston area is expecting snow, this is the earliest they have ever got snow. The previous record for earliest snow was last year Dec. 10 I think. There is no such thing as man made global warming or climate change. If this is actually happening we can't cause it nor can we stop it.

This is likely untrue.
The Houston area is expecting snow, this is the earliest they have ever got snow. The previous record for earliest snow was last year Dec. 10 I think. There is no such thing as man made global warming or climate change. If this is actually happening we can't cause it nor can we stop it.

Boston set a record high temperature yesterday of 69 degrees. We have also set a record for most consecutive days without a temperature below the freezing point. The last time the thermometer dipped below freezing here was last March.

Yet, you didn't see me posting this as evidence of global warming. I wonder if that has something to do with my grasp vs. your grasp of the issue?
Boston set a record high temperature yesterday of 69 degrees. We have also set a record for most consecutive days without a temperature below the freezing point. The last time the thermometer dipped below freezing here was last March.

Yet, you didn't see me posting this as evidence of global warming. I wonder if that has something to do with my grasp vs. your grasp of the issue?

I don't ever remember it getting above freezing up in there.
Boston set a record high temperature yesterday of 69 degrees. We have also set a record for most consecutive days without a temperature below the freezing point. The last time the thermometer dipped below freezing here was last March.

Yet, you didn't see me posting this as evidence of global warming. I wonder if that has something to do with my grasp vs. your grasp of the issue?

Middle Tennessee is under our average. There is a chance of light snow tonight. There may be climate change, I don't know. The science is still out, but one thing I can say is it is not man made. We don't have to capability to change the weather.
Middle Tennessee is under our average. There is a chance of light snow tonight. There may be climate change, I don't know. The science is still out, but one thing I can say is it is not man made. We don't have to capability to change the weather.

What are you basing that on? Is it just too far outside the realm of what you see as possible to imagine that man could impact something that large?
What are you basing that on? Is it just too far outside the realm of what you see as possible to imagine that man could impact something that large?

What could we possibly be doing to cause climate change? We breathe out carbon monoxide and trees breathe it in. We have been cooling since 1998. Chicago has one of their coolest summers ever, I know here in Middle Tenn. there were days in July and August where we were wearing light jackets because it was so cool. Also there is a petition out there with I think 10,000 scientist saying climate change is a hoax.
What could we possibly be doing to cause climate change? We breathe out carbon monoxide and trees breathe it in. We have been cooling since 1998. Chicago has one of their coolest summers ever, I know here in Middle Tenn. there were days in July and August where we were wearing light jackets because it was so cool. Also there is a petition out there with I think 10,000 scientist saying climate change is a hoax.

What could we possibly be doing to cause climate change? We breathe out carbon monoxide and trees breathe it in. We have been cooling since 1998. Chicago has one of their coolest summers ever, I know here in Middle Tenn. there were days in July and August where we were wearing light jackets because it was so cool. Also there is a petition out there with I think 10,000 scientist saying climate change is a hoax.

dioxide. shoot me for making a mistake.

it makes a huge difference in your point. The symbiosis between man and nature makes sense, but you were trying to say that machines don't change that in that they don't really add anything new to the equation, which is incorrect.
it makes a huge difference in your point. The symbiosis between man and nature makes sense, but you were trying to say that machines don't change that in that they don't really add anything new to the equation, which is incorrect.

No kidding, I am at work and trying to type quickly and work at the same time.
No kidding, I am at work and trying to type quickly and work at the same time.

Justin I believe you have encountered a


Swarm hive is almost impossible to detect. When a hapless victim stumbles on a forum that houses a Swarm and disturbs it with an offending message, the Swarm will erupt and fly at their victim from all directions. Taken one at a time the irrelevant, often mindless individual attacks can be easily brushed aside, but because of the sheer volume of the assault even the strongest Warriors must eventually yield.

WARNING: Only those who are highly skilled in Swarm management techniques should attempt to wade into a Swarm hive. but even with protective clothing opposing Warriors should expect to suffer a few stings.

Know why they don't mess with me??????

Though Kung-Fu Masters are powerful Warriors, they generally choose not to fight. Many lesser Warriors delude themselves into thinking that they are masters of war, but few are the genuine article. The true Kung-Fu master fully appreciates his own superiority and is therefore unruffled by petty provocations. When forced to fight, however, he quickly crushes his opponent with devastating blows.


Bottom line is, the great global warming titanic ship has been deep sixed and is about as pertinent to relavant conversation as the good ship lollypop, the star of which, btw at one time was our representative to the United Nations which shows we knew what we were doing long before they thought they knew what they were doing and if they don't believe me now they can wander around in the past trying to control history, if that become boring I think I may have a copy of the original 12 hour uncut version of War and Peace which is in Russian without subtitles so it may take some study to actually discover what is going on.

Meanwhile I'm going on and take a shower and if anyone still wants to cling to the global warming aka climate change CO2mmunist theory then go ahead and do so like a fly on fly paper, the trash man cometh. I goeth, fare thee well brothers and sisters and fly paper clinger ongers. :wavey:
It seems like every day now I see something by the same groups that always doubted AGW's existence saying something along the lines of "Yep, it's dead. See, it's destroyed. Yep, game over." I have yet to uncover (in the 'climategate' scandal) the type of information that would lead me to this same conclusion. When placed in context, there isn't a completely rosy picture painted of the folks at East Anglia (and some collaborators), but there also isn't a picture of mass-collusion to perpetrate some hoax. There are a lot of arms and legs that make up the animal that is climate change science....some stronger than others (and with more or less uncertainty)....and I think that this would be readily acknowledged most climate scientists.

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