Going To Wrigley



Senior Member
Dec 17, 2004
I am going to finally make it to Wrigley for a game against the Braves on 8/23. I have been up to Chicago on several occasions for business but I have never been around the ballpark. Right now, I can purchase tickets in the Terrace of Right field for $27.00

Is it better to go ahead and buy these seats or wait until gameday and try and get a deal outside of the stadium? Is scalping legal in Illinois? I don't think my company will cover jail fees.

Thanks in advace for any advice.
I would go ahead and try to get them now. if chi gets on fire (which may happen, proably wont, but may) then that series would be huge. Wrigley is suppose to be the best place to go see a ballgame, I hope you tell us about your experince.
Don't count on the Cubs getting back into contention, but a series with the Braves is always in high demand. I'd go ahead and get 'em.

Have fun; I'm envious. I last went to a Cubs game in the early 90's. They played the Pirates, who featured a much skinnier Barry Bonds and a very productive Bobby Bonilla. The game went to 13 innings, and my favorite player Mark Grace singled to drive in the game winning run for the Cubs in the bottom of the 13th. I also got to see Harry Carey. Priceless.
Originally posted by Jmxvol@Aug 11, 2005 4:32 PM
I wouldn't pay for a cubs ticket

why not?
Originally posted by Jefw@Aug 11, 2005 12:58 PM
I am going to finally make it to Wrigley for a game against the Braves on 8/23.  I have been up to Chicago on several occasions for business but I have never been around the ballpark.  Right now, I can purchase tickets in the Terrace of Right field for $27.00

Is it better to go ahead and buy these seats or wait until gameday and try and get a deal outside of the stadium?  Is scalping legal in Illinois? I don't think my company will cover jail fees.

Thanks in advace for any advice.

That's where I sat when I saw a Cubs game, and the Cubs beat the Braves 3-2. :dance:
Scalping is technically not legal but people are selling tix outside the stadium.

That being said, I'd go ahead and pick up the tix. Those seats aren't bad and I've never gotten a "deal" out on the streets. If worse comes to worse, you can probably work a deal with your tix plus cash for others if you want to sit somewhere else.

Bleachers seats are more expensive but worse seats unless you just want the bleacher experience (which is fun). If you buy bleacher tix on the street just remember that the bleachers are "General Admission" and seats are first come, first served.

I went to 2 games in June (one sitting in right field and one in the bleachers).

Cubs games are about so much more than a baseball game. They are a blast and Wrigleyville and the surrounding area rocks.

I'm jealous.
Tell me about it. I would go back to Wrigley in a heartbeat.

When I was there it was 70's night. If anybody's interested in seeing large groups of inebriated people with fake afros, go to Wrigley on 70's Night.
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 11, 2005 11:39 PM
Tell me about it. I would go back to Wrigley in a heartbeat.

When I was there it was 70's night. If anybody's interested in seeing large groups of inebriated people with fake afros, go to Wrigley on 70's Night.

Nah if I wanted to see a bunch of inbriated hippies I would just go to alabama.
I thought all the innebriated hippies had moved to the Pacific Northwest.
There are hippies here, except they're not drunk. They all wear North Face gear, shop at Pottery Barn for EVERYTHING, refer to themselves as "weekend warriors", drive Subaru wagons, buy food only if it's all-natural market places, put enviromentalist stickers on their cars and hate on Bush for no other reason than it being the popular thing to do.

And they're now refered to as "yuppies."

And I hate them.
Thanks for all the advice. I plan to go ahead and buy the ticket online. I can't wait to see a game in one of the few remaining legendary ballparks.
Originally posted by GAVol@Aug 12, 2005 1:11 AM
I thought all the innebriated hippies had moved to the Pacific Northwest.



Originally posted by vols2345@Aug 12, 2005 12:08 AM
Nah if I wanted to see a bunch of inbriated hippies I would just go to alabama.

Duh, there ar no hippies in Alabama. There are a lot of toothless longhairs with Rebel flags and gun racks driving around in pickemup trucks drankin PBR however.


Seriously, go to Wrigley regardless of how you buy your tickets. Since most are scalped and the games are all pretty much sold out, they will be expensive. I was at Wrigley last year and it was a hoot. Spend and hour or so in Wrigleyville before or after the game. There are some pretty cool pubs there. Also while in Chicago, catch a show at Second City, good eats at the Adobo Grill restaurant, Harry Cary's Restaurant and by all means eat some pizza at Giardano's. Stay away from the local beer-Old Style-referred to as Dog Style by the locals.

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