Good Article about Chris White

Kinda wish he'd keep that 2 finger 3 finger part to himself. Now instead of feeling like we soundly whooped a national title contender. Because we played with more heart and determination. that we only stopped them on defense repeatedly cause we knew before hand if they were running or passing. Just my 2 cents, but it takes a little away from that victory IMO.
Kinda wish he'd keep that 2 finger 3 finger part to himself. Now instead of feeling like we soundly whooped a national title contender. Because we played with more heart and determination. that we only stopped them on defense repeatedly cause we knew before hand if they were running or passing. Just my 2 cents, but it takes a little away from that victory IMO.

To me, it's no different than reading the quarterback's eyes, or breaking on a receiver's route when he tips it off.
To me, it's no different than reading the quarterback's eyes, or breaking on a receiver's route when he tips it off.

I see your point, but what you speak of to me is a player making a play within the play. If the QB makes a mistake by starring down a WR and the S makes a play on the ball, and gets in interception. Its a mistake by the QB and a good play by the S. Same for the WR CB. IF someone is telling the whole defense pre snap that its gonna be run or pass. That isn't players making good plays off individual effort it's players knowing before hand what's going to happen. Making everyone on D look better than they really are. Many teams that aren't as good as their opponents would pull off upsets by knowing pre snap if its run or pass. That's half the game keeping the defense off balance. Not to mention the momentum created by your D killing the opponent.

I'm not saying it was a fluke or we are now undeserving of the victory. Cause knowing what their offense was gonna do didn't score us 35 points. But when you consider the momentum we had to of gained by shutting down there offensive attack, and knowing now we probably did most of that cause we knew pre snap if they were running or passing just doesn't make it seem so dominant anymore.
Kinda wish he'd keep that 2 finger 3 finger part to himself. Now instead of feeling like we soundly whooped a national title contender. Because we played with more heart and determination. that we only stopped them on defense repeatedly cause we knew before hand if they were running or passing. Just my 2 cents, but it takes a little away from that victory IMO.

All coaches analyze film to try and figure out what the other team is going to do. How the players line up, what the center does, how the quarterback tilts his head, any cues they can find. It's part of the game.

That Coach Donahue, who pretty much lived in the film room, was able to find this tidbit, speaks to his determination, because the 10 DC's Miami embarrassed before they played us didn't notice it.
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Great read. Thanks for sharing! :good!:

I was 13 years old in the 8th grade that year living in Lenoir City. I'll never forget that season. What a great team!

I was 23 and after the game, party party party all night long.:toast:
1985 was the first year I can recall knowing anything about UT football (which is weird, because my dad played there). I was 7. My parents started taking me to games. White was instantly my favorite player.
don't forget that their starting Qb was out and they had to play the backup

also there were 2 huge plays that won that game for us. peerless and the pick 6

its still a BCS NC trophy . now back away from the ledge
don't forget that their starting Qb was out and they had to play the backup

also there were 2 huge plays that won that game for us. peerless and the pick 6

its still a BCS NC trophy . now back away from the ledge

What are we talking about here? I think you just time warped from 1985 to 1998.

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