Good Luck, Vols!



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2006
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but Good Luck, Vols!

I'm on my way soon to Gainesville to hopefully watch the Gators win what should be a nail-biter against LSU. I'm afraid that LSU is the real deal this year, so I know this game will be tough.

Obviously I wish the Vols luck against Georgia for selfish reasons, but I really do think that the Vols can pick this one up against UGA, which would go a long way towards giving the Vols the media and fan respect that has been missing for the past year or so.

Either way these games go, I'm hoping for well-called, well-officiated games that are injury-free. Then we just hope for the best!

Good Luck Vols!
Go Gators!

P.S. I know you guys will be pulling for LSU against UF, and I fully understand that. I'd do the same thing if the shoe were on the other foot.
good luck, harvin could be the difference for you guys!
As a VOL living ion Baton Rouge, I assure you that LSU is the "real deal".

I certainly hope my one year blisss from last September (I was at that game) does not get crushed on November 4th.

I will be pulling for LSU.....OMG I have to run I think I am going to throw up
I would say good luck. But I hope the Tigers (LSU & Auburn) put it on you guys. We need some help catching you all.
Good luck to you too. Always nice to hear from a respectful gator fan(few and far offense). You all have a tough one this I'm dreading for us when it comes around November 4th. At least they don't owe you all one like they do us.

And luckily for us, the Cardinals game is at noon central. Wall-to-wall sports action on Saturday. :) :rock2:

I should have said great weekend for sports. The MLB playoffs, the SEC schedule, Texas - OU (which is obviously getting a lot of press here in DFW), Skins-Giants, Cowboys - Eagles.

Good times, good times...
I left out Colts - Titans out of respect for the dead.
no deshawn Wynne could be a big blow for the gators....i wish i could say good luck...but that probaby won't happen til you guys play UGA.

Go Vols. Geaux Tigers.
Oh no you di-unt.

Get him doc, It's stuff like that the little 'report' button is for isn't it....

for one game game....and since my company is has it's original general office in the bayou of Houma, LA, i have had the chance to go down to New Orleans, Lafayette, and Houma on multiple occaisions...great people down it's easy to root for them for one game against one of our most hated rivals.:victory:

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