Man, Patriots fans clearly do not attend their local ivy league universities around the state of Mass. They themselves act like guilty criminals who deny the truth even though it's clear as day. I keep seeing comments like "why would he turn over his cell phone" acting as if destroying evidence and covering up is better than facing the truth and punishment that comes with it. It's amazing to me how fans of sports turn into wannabe criminals with their support of using criminal tactics. Bunch of losers.
I posted the link above so you can see just how idiotic their fans are. Specifically, Simpatico99 in he comment section. He's replied to at least 200 of the 300 comments and replied a number of the comments more than once. He sits there insulting everyone opposed to the Pats and calls them out for being uneducated and not knowing anything. Interesting because... I'm gonna guess the guy doesn't even have a job given he had time to post over 200 freaking times yesterday under a single article. That doesn't include the other 5 or so Pats/deflategate articles off to the side which I'm sure he spent his day replying to half of the comments.
Pats fans vs. Cardinals fans... I don't know which group of fans are more stupid and in denial. Both organizations are straight up trash in terms of offering anything morally to society. Bunch of scumbags.
Pats fans "so what if we got caught cheating again and so what if we destroy the evidence. it's not a big deal".
Cardinals fans "so what if we hacked another team, we'll fire some lower level employee who is to blame because no way management knew"
These people are a bunch of baseless idiots who defend their teams to no end despite the evidence against them. Remember when Patriots fans defended Aaron Hernandez? Man, are these people f'ing stupid. I'm amazed they can exist in life let alone cross the street without walking into oncoming traffic. They're as stupid as Tom Brady destroying his cellphone and thinking that's a reasonable solution. He does know they can just go to the phone company and get texts attached to that phone number, right?
To think, people like Brady and Hernandez who are absolutely brain damaged it seems, were able to make it through college. They must have had tutors similar to that of UNC because I don't buy for a second either one of these dudes were capable of skating by on their own accord given how stupid their actions are. I hope by destroying the cellphone and taking it to court that it brings up more against Brady/Pats. That way Goodell can toss Brady for the year after deceiving the league who employs him and purposely going against their rules.
Look what happened when Pearl lied... Brady's punishment should not end at 4 games and since the little lying punk is fighting it, I hope the punishment increases as opposes to decreases. Kick the -fill in the blank- time cheater out of the league. I left the amount of times he and the Patriots cheated blank because at this point, I assume it's been numerous times and not just the two times they've been in trouble for. The two times they've been caught were over things they did in fact do multiple times. They stole multiple teams signals and I guarantee they've deflated balls before. That's just one form of cheating each but cheating multiple times using both methods. They've cheated God knows how many times. Wouldn't doubt it's in the triple digits if you combine just those two cases.
Like David Ortiz and his mysterious milkshake of peds, Brady ain't kno nuffin bout no cheatin. Ya hurd? Rekonize. Boston(/NE)... city of cheaters when it comes to sports.