Google’s Thieving Collaborations with Communist China and Apple – Don’t Speak Well for Google


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Posted at 12:17 pm on April 21, 2020 by Seton Motley

And while there is no honor among thieves – there is a great deal of collaboration between them.

Communist China – is Communist. Communists steal openly and brazenly. There is no need for nuance in a society afflicted with Communism.

In less totalitarian societies, master thieves sometimes must cloak their actions. Sometimes.

Like…pretending they’re spying on and stealing from you – for your own good.

This is a GIANT data grab via MASS surveillance – disguised as “helping” us.

I know I always feel better when two trillion-dollar-companies team up to track my every movement.

Especially with the track record of these two trillion-dollar-companies.

Is Google any different? Heavens no. Except for they’re worse.

Now THAT’S collusion.

Yet again, Communist China has stolen metric tons of Intellectual Property (IP).

And of course, Apple and Google have no compunction stealing IP…Communist China style.

“The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has agreed to decide whether Google should have to pay Oracle billions of dollars for infringing on its copyright of 37 Java APIs Google used in its Android operating system.”

If the Supreme Court bizarrely rules in Google’s favor – it’s a green light for every IP thief everywhere.

Including Google’s cohorts Communist China and Apple.

And given Google’s track record – and the larcenous company it keeps….

Google’s Thieving Collaborations with Communist China and Apple - Don't Speak Well for Google
Google ‘Antiracism’ Training Says 3-Month-Old Babies Are Racist


A series of “antiracism” training sessions at Google taught employees of the tech giant that children as young as three months old are racist, and that listening to Ben Shapiro is a step on the ladder to committing acts of racial violence. Google’s ultra-progressive vision of “antiracism” is influenced by the notorious author and professor Ibram X. Kendi.

The documents were published by Critical Race Theory researcher Christopher Rufo yesterday on Twitter and in City Journal.
Google 'Antiracism' Training Says 3-Month-Old Babies Are Racist

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