Google develops new interview protocol to hire more people with autism



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
Google Launches Program To Hire More People With Autism

"In addition, there will be changes to the interview process for those who are part of the Autism Career Program in order to be more accommodating, according to Rob Enslin, president of global customer operations for Google Cloud. Candidates with autism may receive extra interview time, be offered questions in advance or be able to do their interview in writing."

Programs such as these help those who are highly qualified but have difficulty interfacing through verbal means.
I saw something on maybe 60 Minutes or similar about tech companies starting programs to hire autistic people. Some can see or grasp things most non-autistic people can.

Some of them are extremely gifted with their advanced problem solving abilities.
There's not a lot more humbling for me than this one instance when I was teaching a young autistic guitarist how to play a really tricky part in a riff. After I played it for him very slowly a couple times, he says "oh, like this?" and proceeds to play it at full speed way better than I could 🤣
Some of them are extremely gifted with their advanced problem solving abilities.
I heard there was a genius at the lab that would get an idea in the bathroom and forget to "tuck away" before he went back to his station.
Google Launches Program To Hire More People With Autism

"In addition, there will be changes to the interview process for those who are part of the Autism Career Program in order to be more accommodating, according to Rob Enslin, president of global customer operations for Google Cloud. Candidates with autism may receive extra interview time, be offered questions in advance or be able to do their interview in writing."

Programs such as these help those who are highly qualified but have difficulty interfacing through verbal means.

There are a lot of people in general that suck at interviews. I have never been in a interview where I thought I did a good job.

I hope this surpasses google and makes its way down to small businesses. Some people suck just at talking. We have a lot of people that could do great things that has never had a chance to do so.
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Used to work at a flooring company years ago. We had a delivery driver who was autistic and could not function in social settings. But once he got to know you and opened up the guy was amazingly knowledgeable about particular subjects. You could ask him anything about baseball or football going back to as long as they kept stats. You could name a year and he could tell you who played in world series who won MVP. The players on the teams batting averages who won awards etc. Same for football. He could also tell you what movies came out that year who starred in then and which one win best picture etc.

Really good guy but he was very naive.

I realize there are people all over the autism spectrum and their strengths and weaknesses vary widely. I have a nephew with Asperger's but he's found himself in some deep legal trouble.
Wow really excited about this for my autistic son...different not less..I taught college and there are things he can do that I cant...he can remember dates going back years of generally meaningless events...can map every single country on a map without assistance
So are educated people. I have seen it go both ways. Some of them are a lot smarter then people give them credit for.
I’m not saying they are dumb. I know autistic people are extremely smart within certain parameters.
Michael Bury is a physician and one of the few guys who broke the code prior to the financial/housing crisis and bet HUGE against mortgage backed assets (bonds) that he knew were complete crap. He read the fine print of the prospectus on all of them and was featured in The Big Short. He is also autistic (Aspergers) and incredibly bright.
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There are geniuses on the spectrum in all walks of life from prior generations, they just never got diagnosed. My Dad had a brilliant colleague at his university that was a cold dick to everybody and then I took his class and it dawned on me he probably had Aspergers and nobody knew it, including this professor himself.
There are geniuses on the spectrum in all walks of life from prior generations, they just never got diagnosed. My Dad had a brilliant colleague at his university that was a cold dick to everybody and then I took his class and it dawned on me he probably had Aspergers and nobody knew it, including this professor himself.
We had a corporate officer like this, it got to the point that only certain people were sent into meetings with him because he would just snap and dog cuss the **** out of whoever was in the room. Some people would take it personally and cry or whatever, those that knew what they were dealing with would just nod and move on. He was very nice otherwise but if something triggered him look out.

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