Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Principal at Center of Controversy Suspended

So what is the actual controversy?

1. Says he taught CRT. But fails to mention how, in what way. He's the principal, I dont remember them doing any actual teaching.
2. Mentions a decade old photo of him and his wife.
3. Mentions personal matter, maybe number 2?

Article is terrible at delivering any type of fact.
So what is the actual controversy?

1. Says he taught CRT. But fails to mention how, in what way. He's the principal, I dont remember them doing any actual teaching.
2. Mentions a decade old photo of him and his wife.
3. Mentions personal matter, maybe number 2?

Article is terrible at delivering any type of fact.
Some moron had his time on the mic at a school board meeting and called for this guy to be fired for teaching CRT, which there is no evidence that he did. There may be social media posts where he does not dismiss CRT out of hand, because, you know...
Seems like the real issue is that there are a bunch of uptight, probably religious, white bigots who can’t stand to see a black man married to a white woman. Then again, Louis Farrakhan is an outspoken critic of interracial marriage as well.

As much as I disagree with the way CRT is being implemented, a principal has little power to dictate a school’s curriculum.
Some moron had his time on the mic at a school board meeting and called for this guy to be fired for teaching CRT, which there is no evidence that he did. There may be social media posts where he does not dismiss CRT out of hand, because, you know...
Personally speaking, yawn.
Seems like the real issue is that there are a bunch of uptight, probably religious, white bigots who can’t stand to see a black man married to a white woman. Then again, Louis Farrakhan is an outspoken critic of interracial marriage as well.

As much as I disagree with the way CRT is being implemented, a principal has little power to dictate a school’s curriculum.
One side effect of following local politics more closely recently has made me realize that I would like to stooge slap most of my neighbors
There is no doubt in my mind if he was white or his wife was black, they would not be asking him to remove these photos from Facebook. This is deep rooted racism rearing its ugly head.
Is it clear who is actually requesting he drop the photo? Article seemed to imply it was some random person at a meeting. I saw it as a Karen thing, not wanting to acknowledge that the school admin are people outside of the building, and might engage in activities appropriate for all age groups.
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Some moron had his time on the mic at a school board meeting and called for this guy to be fired for teaching CRT, which there is no evidence that he did. There may be social media posts where he does not dismiss CRT out of hand, because, you know...
I can see the Grapevine-Colleyville area going off half cocked on a hot button topic like CRT. It’s a well funded district with a lot of money in the neighborhoods and an active parent population. Just takes a couple of misinformed Karens to spool up an issue whether it’s valid or not. But thanks for the local topic I need to dig some more!
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CRT is now a wonderful tool to land baseless accusations that will be hard to either prove or disprove.

Don't like a teacher? Mess up their year and screw up their students by crying "CRT!" and watch the suspensions and investigations pile up.
One side effect of following local politics more closely recently has made me realize that I would like to stooge slap most of my neighbors
Again at least they are active in the school district and fund it well. But yeah misguided fervor isn’t very productive.
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There is no doubt in my mind if he was white or his wife was black, they would not be asking him to remove these photos from Facebook. This is deep rooted racism rearing its ugly head.
You know what group can’t stand seeing a black man with a white woman? Black women. It drives them crazy.
CRT is now a wonderful tool to land baseless accusations that will be hard to either prove or disprove.

Don't like a teacher? Mess up their year and screw up their students by crying "CRT!" and watch the suspensions and investigations pile up.
Is CRT the new race card? I find CRT ridiculous btw.
Is CRT the new race card? I find CRT ridiculous btw.

Critical theory of any subject is a wonderful tool for deep diving and studying interactions. But it's just a tool and should be one of hundreds available in a tool chest.

And like any tool, it can be misused and turned into a weapon. Or, as my vascular surgeon said about the rehab doctor who wanted to take my left foot too: When your only tool is a hammer, every problems starts to look like a nail.

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