Great news about global warming.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
CO2 is good for the planet.

No need for the irrational fear induced fascistic legislation proposed by Obama, demonrats and their association of rinos.

More CO2 means better crops and forests, Steward says, but not necessarily a warmer planet since other factors play a bigger role in heating the planet.

“This relates directly to the food supply,” he said. “Green is good, and CO2 is very green.”

CO2 boosts plant growth, making them larger, faster-growing and more drought tolerant with better roots. Steward calls that good news in a world with a growing population.

“When you’re deciding what ought to be done, think about what this could do for mankind,” he said.

Taking CO2 back to pre-industrial levels would degrade habitats and push people into starvation, Steward said.

“CO2 is not a pollutant. It’s the stuff of life. I can’t find anything that’s not beneficial,” he said. “This comes from thousands of studies – mainly from the agricultural community, and these are not casual observers.”

Spending billions and enacting draconian restrictions to fight a “pollutant” that’s not a pollutant isn’t helping anyone, he said.

“If we let our factories continue to manufacture, that’s not necessarily bad and might be good,” he said. “We (pro-CO2 groups) are greener than all the green organizations lobbying to reduce CO2.”

It’s a message scientists across the world are trying to promote, and Steward cited numerous studies.

When he started researching climate change four years ago, Steward found there are 18 “drivers” of climate change, including things like variation in the shape of the earth’s orbit, sunspots and the magnetic effect of the sun.

CO2’s ability to trap heat declines logarithmically, so a great deal of the gas makes a big difference, but as the level dips the difference it makes drops exponentially.

That means doubling the current concentration of CO2 would only make a .2 degree difference, he said.

If CO2 was a significant factor in global warming, temperatures would have risen – as modeling predicted – instead of declining since 2001.

“It’s hard to argue with that,” he said. “They did not predict in any of their models that it would be cooling.”

Since the Industrial Revolution, people have pumped CO2 into the atmosphere and temperature has generally risen, though not always.

“These are natural trends,” he said. “Look at the magnitude of climate variation. Huge swings of 10, 15, 20 degrees.”

Former vice president Al Gore got facts wrong in his documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” Steward said.

“Clearly things were absolutely false in some cases and misleading in other cases,” he said.

For example, Gore said the earth was warming at an unprecedented rate. However, in the 1920s and ’30s, the temperature increase was more dramatic, Steward said.

Contrary to Gore’s findings, cyclone and tornado strength is actually down now, says Steward, a geologist and retired energy industry executive. He is a trustee at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center and lives on the North Fork and in Texas.

Steward, the author of the best-seller “Sugar Busters,” recently published “Fire, Ice and Paradise” on climate change.

This summer, he organized a non-profit organization, “Plants Need CO2,” with the mission, “To educate the public on the positive effects of additional atmospheric CO2 and help prevent the inadvertent negative impact to human, plant and animal life if we reduce CO2.”

“I’m not getting a penny for doing this,” he added. “It’s just something people of the earth ought to know.”

So too says Freeman Dyson, physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, NJ (think Albert Einstein's old home)...Dyson says the computer models that have been promising global warming do a terrible job of predicting, and that the CO2 which is supposed to be so bad for us actually is quite beneficial to the planet, among other things encouraging vigorous plant growth - poor Charlie Rose who was nterviewing him at the time almost fell off of his chair when he heard these heresies......

Thank goodness that our energy bills won't have to double to appease the chicken littles in our midst!!!
So it's okay for me to resume exhaling?

The boost in plant growth only lasts as long as there are available conditions for it. At a certain point, growth will slow to reach an equilibrium with the availability of soil nutrients and moisture, which are more quickly depleted by the boosted growth. This has been known about and studied for over ten years.
So then continued harvesting and re-composting of plant life in a managed fashion by mankind and livestock aids in the maintenance of said equilibrium, right?

Go beef!!!
What a concept... I thought I learned about this in Jr. High Science. I need a government grant.
So it's okay for me to resume exhaling?


OK by me but be advised you may have to explain crop rotation, fertilization and possibly irrigation and maybe even the birds and the bees to a whole generation of pc brainwashed sheeple, probably one at a time. :good!:
So then continued harvesting and re-composting of plant life in a managed fashion by mankind and livestock aids in the maintenance of said equilibrium, right?

Go beef!!!

We shoud delclare open season on endangered species that are exhaling CO2, who needs that??

And especially endangered minnows whose flatulance could be raising water temperatures causing hurricanes and tornadoes in all fifty seven states and Alaska too!!!!

Just last year there was a tornado so awful that it killed 10,000 people in a town with a population of only 1,200 in Kansas, (uh somewhere near Judy Garland's home I believe.)!!!!

Uh, I don't know anything about livestock aids except that a neighbor of mine once had a pair of gay mules and he said they caught farm aids. :unsure:
OK by me but be advised you may have to explain crop rotation, fertilization and possibly irrigation and maybe even the birds and the bees to a whole generation of pc brainwashed sheeple, probably one at a time. :good!:

I've been trying to, but these young 'uns these days refuse to learn anything. They think they already know everything because they can use a mouse and an iphone... :p
I've been trying to, but these young 'uns these days refuse to learn anything. They think they already know everything because they can use a mouse and an iphone... :p

I have empathy enough to around, I was young and dumb myself once and thought I knew a lot of stuff about which I was clueless.

Sometimes it's difficult making any headway but recently my better half told me one of my children had said; "You know dad is right about some things!" :huh:

Thank God for small miracles.
2000 years ago, people were walking around Rome in a tee shirt and boxers... Can you do that today? No, you will freeze to death.

This summer was very pleasant imo
Mor gud nuz!!!

Absolutely the opposite of what chicken little, fear mongering enviro-wackos are spouting!!!

Hawaii researchers have solved the puzzle of why different species of fish in the ocean have different levels of mercury, even though they are the same size.

Mercury is a natural trace element in the environment that has never been associated with toxicity in Hawaii's ocean fish, said Kaneko, whose research focuses on public health.

Kaneko said the new research supports evidence that mercury in open-ocean fish is naturally occurring from deep-ocean processes.

The researchers suspected from other work that deeper-ocean animals and predatory fishes might have more mercury, and studies of almost 200 fish collected from longline and recreational fishermen confirmed that, Choy said.

Their findings were published in the Aug. 18 edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Choy said they looked at mercury levels in tissues of the fish and what was in their stomach when they were caught.

Large fish such as bigeye tuna and swordfish that feed deeper in the ocean have higher mercury levels than yellowfin tuna and mahimahi, which live in shallower water, the team found. That is because they are feeding on fish, squid and shrimp with higher mercury levels, Choy said.

Popp said what was surprising was the difference between yellowfin and bigeye tuna. "The significance (of the study) is there is more to it than simply the size and age of the fish," he said. "There's an ecological cause to mercury content and the depth at which they're feeding."

Kaneko said there is an assumption that mercury in open-ocean fish is directly related to atmospheric mercury emissions and pollution, but there is no evidence of that.

Studies done in 1971 and again in 1998 on the amount of mercury in Hawaii yellowfin tuna showed no differences despite a 26 percent increase in atmospheric mercury emissions, he said.

The researchers are not sure where mercury enters the food web, Drazen said. "It makes sense that it enters down in deep waters, but we haven't actually looked at mercury in plankton, for instance, consumed by little fish and shrimp. We have to look at lower levels of the food web."

Kaneko said there is substantial scientific evidence that high levels of selenium in ocean fish counteract toxic levels of mercury. Selenium, also a natural element, has antioxidant functions and is known to bind to mercury, he said. "When those two elements bind together, they're biologically inert.

"What we're finding, in some research we're just finishing now, is it's the ratios of mercury to selenium that is more important than the amount of mercury in fish," Kaneko added.

From a contributor on another message board.

Maybe this should have been realized a long time ago. My college chemistry textbook, College Chemistry by Nebergall, Schmidt, and Holtzclaw, (4th ed., copyright 1972) states in a footnote (p. 212):

“Evidently the accumulation of mercury in the tissues of marine life is not just a recent occurrence. Tuna taken from both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans between 1878 and 1909 and preserved by the Smithsonian Institution have been tested and found to be just as contaminated with mercury as present day tuna.”

More hot tuna!!!


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