Greg Norman -vs- Fred Couples

Norman has a dramatically better record. Couples is probably more talented, but personality and back issues hampered his career. Norman's short game was incredibly underrated for most of his career and he was as good in total driving as anyone ever.
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I really like both of them. Can't vote. Love their golf and life styles.
Norman choked a few times, but also was on the shoddy end of the luck spectrum.

The guy handled it like a man, though. Always respected the hell out of that.
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Norman has a dramatically better record. Couples is probably more talented, but personality and back issues hampered his career. Norman's short game was incredibly underrated for most of his career and he was as good in total driving as anyone ever.
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I don't know I would agree with this assessment. Norman is a pretty talented fellow. No doubt Greg's had a better career. He did choke away a couple of majors, but had some awful luck coming down the stretch of most of those he didn't win. The fact he was more competitvie in majors makes him better.
you'll have to take my word

Define "a lot".

It wouldn't surprise me if he smokes it recreationally, because I know several others do it as well, but I would be surprised if he sat aroundand got high all the time. In fact, I would bet a large sum it's more likely he takes a puff every now and then than he smokes it all the time
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Define "a lot".

It wouldn't surprise me if he smokes it recreationally, because I know several others do it as well, but I would be surprised if he sat aroundand got high all the time. In fact, I would bet a large sum it's more likely he takes a puff every now and then than he smokes it all the time

Ok well he smokes a lot more than what most people think. At one point it was almost everyday. But that was prob 5 years ago.
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Ok well he smokes a lot more than what most people think. At one point it was almost everyday. But that was prob 5 years ago.
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I would think most people don't consider it. It's not like the general crowd that watches golf is sitting around speculating as to whether or not Fred Couples smokes pot. I've never met him personally, but I know a few guys that know him well and I've never heard any of them mention his pot habits. It's just something you don't bring up or talk about, even if you know about it. That's why I can't understand why you would mention it if you know it for a fact.

You witnessed it???? LOL
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Bill Clinton nearly killed himself chasing after some tail while staying in Norman's home, as much as I disliked Clinton, you gotta admit that it's pretty cool to have POTUS crashing (pun intended) in your crib.
Bill Clinton nearly killed himself chasing after some tail while staying in Norman's home, as much as I disliked Clinton, you gotta admit that it's pretty cool to have POTUS crashing (pun intended) in your crib.

Huh? Link?
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Huh? Link?
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A link isn't required. It was all over the news and anyone partially informed knows about it.

Another completely inappropriate thread. Couples has had a great career but is not the equal of Norman on the golf course in any light

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