Groups representing Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon sue Florida



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
Groups representing Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Google are suing Florida over Gov. DeSantis' new bill banning online 'deplatforming'

"It also pointed to a bizarre loophole Florida included in the new bill, exempting companies that own Florida-based theme parks such as Disney from the law. The suit argued this was evidence that the bill unfairly targets specific companies."

The inclusion of such a specific exemption may lead to the opening of several new theme parks in Florida. Could we see the opening of Amazonia, The Googleplex, and other social-media related theme parks in the Sunshine state soon?
Because I post this does not mean I agree with it. I am not well versed enough in the constitutional issues to have an opinion at this time.
Weird how conservatives are pro business until they get their feelz hurt
Groups representing Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Google are suing Florida over Gov. DeSantis' new bill banning online 'deplatforming'

"It also pointed to a bizarre loophole Florida included in the new bill, exempting companies that own Florida-based theme parks such as Disney from the law. The suit argued this was evidence that the bill unfairly targets specific companies."

The inclusion of such a specific exemption may lead to the opening of several new theme parks in Florida. Could we see the opening of Amazonia, The Googleplex, and other social-media related theme parks in the Sunshine state soon?

Florida man...two wrongs don't make a right.
Because I post this does not mean I agree with it. I am not well versed enough in the constitutional issues to have an opinion at this time.

Imagine telling a founding father that your business could be fined $250k a day for not giving a voice to a political candidate on your media platform...unless you own a theme park.
Imagine telling a founding father that your business could be fined $250k a day for not giving a voice to a political candidate on your media platform...unless you own a theme park.
Imagine telling a founding father that your voice will be silenced depending on which political party you belong to.
Imagine telling a founding father that your business could be fined $250k a day for not giving a voice to a political candidate on your media platform...unless you own a theme park.
I think I’m good with this law if we remove that stupid ass “unless your company owns a theme park” exemption
Imagine telling a founding father that your voice will be silenced depending on which political party you belong to.

Imagine being so warped as to think that not getting to spew BS on twitter is being "silenced."
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Imagine telling a founding father that your business could be fined $250k a day for not giving a voice to a political candidate on your media platform...unless you own a theme park.

Imagine telling the founding fathers that a group of nerds (later to be known as giant crony tech corporations) hijacked the town square (practically speaking) and then conspired to start banning people from speaking based on their political beliefs and conspired to ban the uprising of politically opposing equivalent corporations (like Parler).
I think I’m good with this law if we remove that stupid ass “unless your company owns a theme park” exemption

You're good with the government forcing private companies to do something they don't want to do?

'Cause this is a slippery slope that I'm not sure that pro-business conservatives don't want to give precedence to.
Imagine telling the founding fathers that a group of nerds (later to be known as giant crony tech corporations) hijacked the town square (practically speaking) and then conspired to start banning people from speaking based on their political beliefs and conspired to ban the uprising of politically opposing equivalent corporations (like Parler).

They'd say, "You mean to tell me the media someday will act with bias? They still deserve 1st amendment rights."
You're good with the government forcing private companies to do something they don't want to do?

'Cause this is a slippery slope that I'm not sure that pro-business conservatives don't want to give precedence to.
Read the follow up. post.
Lose the legal protection or stop silencing things you disagree with. Seems like the government is already overly involved here.

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