Gsvol compendium thread 2

Fed’s Bernanke Should Be Criminally Charged, Says Watchdog

Adams states that Bernanke, this past Sunday on ’60 Minutes,’ outright lied to the American public when he said that the Federal Reserve isn’t printing money.

Less than two years earlier on the same television program, Bernanke admitted that the Federal Reserve is printing money. However, back then, nobody was questioning the Federal Reserve’s actions.

“Thanks to alternative media organizations that have worked tirelessly to help expose the Federal Reserve’s dangerous and destructive actions, Americans are starting to finally question the Federal Reserve and Bernanke is now clearly on the defensive,” said Adams.
American Thinker Blog: A Trojan Horse Pork Bill Passes the House

On Wednesday, the still-Democrat-controlled House approved a $1.1 trillion spending bill to fund the government through September 30, 2011, or until the new Congress can produce a budget. According to The Hill, this Continuing Resolution was needed "because Congress failed to pass any of the 12 regular appropriations bills for 2011, in addition to failing to pass a budget resolution at all for the first time since 1974."

The federal budget is supposed to be finished by October 1, the start of the government's fiscal year, otherwise "continuing resolutions" are required to keep government running.

The Resolution that passed included, among many other things, passage of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, which the Senate had passed last month but was returned to the House due to an overlooked Constitutional requirement.

The Resolution now heads to the Senate where Democrats intend to "amend" it into a massive Omnibus spending bill, already affectionately deemed Cromnibus (cram + omnibus). Fox News reports that "Senate Democrats are planning to add more money, including thousands of pet projects sought by lawmakers." According to The Hill, the Senate bill "would provide about $19 billion more in funding than the House Resolution and would contain congressional earmarks."

The Washington Examiner reports that the Senate bill will include a "massive federal land and water grab." In the rush to wrap up matters before the end of the year and the 111th Congress, details such as normal legislative oversight will be pushed aside.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) opposes to Omnibus bill, saying it includes a stealth provision to fund ObamaCare.

Christmas Wishes from Hamas: Praying for the extermination of Christians and Jews - Atlas Shrugs

How about Reassuring Americans? Holder Reassures Muslims of DOJ's anti-bias focus - Atlas Shrugs

If not, here is some info.

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." -- From a letter signed by Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, & John Kerry among others on October 9, 1998
"When I think of a democrat, I think of one of two things."

1. TAX
I can't believe that the Russians are going to let this problem simmer in their country. I've lost a tad bit of respect for them right now.
so i guess being a russian nationalist makes them racist hooligans now

Have you been listening to the US president, his secretary of homeland security and the attorney general lately?

After all, if the reality of what really happened in Bosnia and Kosovo was revealed then people could not be manipulated and national governments who supported America and the United Kingdom would not have been involved in such folly and brutality. Therefore, the mass media was a tool which worked in the favor of America and the United Kingdom and the Muslim “victim card” works well in many circles of the mass media.

In an article published in The Guardian (British newspaper) on Dec 14th, 2010, the writer Paul Lewis states that “Kosovo’s prime minister is the head of a “mafia-like” Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through Eastern Europe, according to a Council of Europe inquiry report on organised crime.”

“The report of the two-year inquiry, which cites FBI and other intelligence sources, has been obtained by the Guardian. It names Thaçi as having over the last decade exerted “violent control” over the heroin trade. Figures from Thaçi’s inner circle are also accused of taking captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.”

The report is clearly damning and this applies to not only the PM of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, but to all nations who have recognized Kosovo. This applies to breaking international law and making clear fabrications about the nature of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the reality of what was happening on the ground.

Therefore, if we look at the role of ex-President of America, Bill Clinton, it is apparent that not only did he give the green light for thousands of Islamists to slit the throats of Orthodox Christians in Bosnia; but he also supported the terrorist and criminal KLA in Kosovo who have been involved in organ trafficking and heroin.

“MPRI has done dirty work for the U.S. government in Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. German author Jurgen Elsasser in his book, translated as How Jihad Came into Europe: Holy Warriors and Secret Services in the Balkans, claims that MPRI took the best mujahideen fighters from Bosnia upon conclusion of the Dayton Accords and put them on their payroll, trained them in Turkey with the help of the Turkish army and sent 80 to 120 of them to Kosovo to help the KLA and later to Macedonia.” (Page 92 and 93 of Kosovo is Serbia by Vojin Joksimovich)

If we turn to events that happened in Bosnia then it is clear that Bill Clinton gave Islamists a free hand and somehow thousands of Islamists from distant lands were able to obtain visas and bypass many borders.

In my article called Bosnia and Clinton’s Radical Islamists I state that “Sky news has obtained clear and proper evidence of a major cover-up and footages of massacres against Serbian Christians have been seen.

According to the investigation and footages which were shown, it is abundantly clear that thousands of radical Islamists from all over the world were given a free reign in Bosnia.”

“This free-reign meant that innocent Serbian Christians were to meet terrible and disturbing deaths at the hands of radical Islamists who celebrate openly while cutting the heads off innocent civilians. The same Islamic forces which unleashed September 11th and which stone people to death in order to create “year zero,” were welcomed openly by ex-President Clinton and by people within his administration.”

Serge Trifkovic (Srdja Trifkovic) the author of The Sword of the Prophet states that “The America intervention in the Balkans – humanitarian bombings, multicultural Muslims, and all – was the Clinton team’s exercise in counter-realism. Its end result is the strengthening of an already aggressive Islamic base in the heart of Europe that will not go away.” (Page 227)

Vojin Joksimovich in reference to the KLA being involved in killing people for organs he states that “Instead of serving long-term sentences in various European jails, protégés of the Clinton and Bush administrations have become leading Kosovo politicians – including the Prime Ministers Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj, and Agim Ceku. Is this not telling us a great deal about the ethical and moral standards of the Western political leaders? The world knew about the NAZI war crimes as soon as World War Two ended. James Hoyt, Iowa mailman, was one of the four U.S. soldiers to first see Buchenwald concentration camp. Before his death at 83, he said: “I saw hearts that had been taken from live people.” In Kosovo we had to wait for the publication of del Ponte’s book almost nine years later.” (Kosovo is Serbia by Vojin Joksimovich – page 382)

What is clear is that time is not on the side of the Republic Srpska because either it will join with Serbia or become an independent state whereby Serbians will be guaranteed their freedom. Or it will be swallowed up by the American backed unitary Bosnian state under the Muslim elites of Bosnia and with the full backing of many Islamic nations.”

Thousands of Islamists from all over the world were allowed freely into Bosnia and Bill Clinton and his administration fully understood that these Islamic terrorists were killing and slaughtering innocent Christian civilians. It is also clear that Islamists, criminals, and terrorists were used in Kosovo and that the KLA went from being deemed to being a terrorist organization into a movement that was supported by America, the United Kingdom, and others.

The KLA was also involved in the trafficking of organs from prisoners who were alive and of course you have the narcotics angle and general criminality. However, will this be enough to dent America’s pro-Islamic policies in the Balkans which have been so detrimental to the region?

Also, will the world wake up to the de-Christianization of Kosovo and how Western governments enabled radical Islamists to enter the Bosnian and Kosovo conflicts? Or will America and the United Kingdom, and others, continue with their policies of being pro-Muslim in both Bosnia and Kosovo?

It also must be mentioned that the Serbian minority and other minorities in Kosovo must not only feel abandoned by the international community but they must be aghast by being ruled by the current leader of Kosovo and having their land taken away from them.
Wik-Bee Leaks: EPA Document Shows It Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees | Fast Company

Clothianidin’s major risk concern is to nontarget insects (that is, honey bees). Clothianidin is a neonicotinoid insecticide that is both persistent and systemic. Acute toxicity studies to honey bees show that clothianidin is highly toxic on both a contact and an oral basis. Although EFED does not conduct RQ based risk assessments on non-target insects, information from standard tests and field studies, as well as incident reports involving other neonicotinoids insecticides (e.g., imidacloprid) suggest the potential for long-term toxic risk to honey bees and other beneficial insects. The entire 101-page memo is damning (and worth a read). But the opinion of EPA scientists apparently isn't enough for the agency, which is allowing clothianidin to keep its registration.

Clothianidin has already been banned by Germany, France, Italy, and Slovenia for its toxic effects.

Meanwhile the EPA quixotically attacks the (so-called) CO2 problem.
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The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Another Great Clinton Foreign Policy Success

It was never easy to understand why the Clinton administration intervened in Kosovo. The U.S. had not made a habit of deciding which European state was obligated to grant independence to which disaffected minority. For instance, Spain told Basques to stuff it without much comment from Washington. And the U.S. never worried about its allies using brutality against guerrillas--the Turkish campaign against the Kurds destroyed thousands of villages and killed tens of thousands of people, while the U.S. provided Ankara with arms.

However, the prospect of getting involved in a conflict with no conceivable relationship to U.S. interests drew the Clinton administration into the Balkans. So Washington joined with a majority of European states in a policy that could be defined as "the Serbs always lose": Everyone got to secede from Yugoslavia/Serbia, but Serbs could never secede from anyone else, whether Bosnia, Croatia, or Kosovo, irrespective of the principle of ethnic self-determination and threat of human rights violations.

Thus, the U.S. joined with a majority of European states to bomb Serbia for 78 days to force it to relinquish its control over Kosovo. Then the allies presided over mass ethnic-cleansing by the ethnic Albanian majority. Finally, the U.S. and European Union promoted faux negotiations with the understanding that the outcome was already set: independence for Kosovo. And the northern majority Serb areas of Kosovo were supposed to supinely accept their status rather than seek to remain with Serbia. When Belgrade refused to go along, the allies backed Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence. But Russia has blocked Kosovo's entry into the UN and the majority of states do not recognize the new nation.

Great work, both the Clinton and Bush administrations.

What a great new addition to Europe. But then, that's what happens when Washington tries to engage in social engineering around the globe.

Any takers in this debate????????????????????????
The Lakin legacy and the left-right hypocrisy Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin Back to Basics


Now here’s an interesting lesson into the act of civil disobedience. Bomb the Pentagon, lead a domestic terrorist group that was responsible for 30 bombings, destruction of property and deaths, and suggest that you cannot rule out committing additional bombings, you become a folk hero of the radical left, a close confidant of a sitting president, and hold a position as a professor in higher academia.

Alternatively, give your country nearly 18 years of unblemished military service as a high ranking military officer until you request proof that the orders you are given are, in fact, made by someone with the ultimate authority to do so, you are stripped of your military rank, your liberties, your income, your pension, your freedom and are sentenced to Leavenworth.

Welcome to the new paradigm of civil disobedience, Chicago style, and where self-proclaimed conservative warriors are more AWOL than Lt. Col. Lakin on the issue of Obama’s Constitutional eligibility to hold office.

The Washington Examiner published a powerful article by columnist Diana West today about Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, the army surgeon who attempted to verify the Constitutional legitimacy of the deployment orders he received. For his efforts, however questionable in both tactic and venue, this highly decorated military leader was sentenced to serve time in Leavenworth. As Ms. West so eloquently concluded, the guilty verdict against Lt. Col. Lakin settles nothing, except, perhaps, that such challenges within the ranks will not be tolerated.

The most basic question of whether Barack Hussein Obama is Constitutionally eligible to hold office and issue orders to the most powerful military in the world remains unaddressed and unanswered. Accordingly, it remains a national security issue of the highest magnitude.

Lt. Col. Lakin chose a particular path to compel, once and for all, Barack Hussein Obama to provide authenticated proof that he is qualified to issue orders to the U.S. military as the Commander in Chief. It was arguably not the best path to choose in a system that was rigged from the start, but at least this man had the grit to put everything on the line for the sake of the U.S. Constitution and ultimately, every American citizen.
Today, Ayers is hailed as a hero to many on the political left and quite the chum of Obama, despite the desperate denials of leftist, self-proclaimed arbiters of truth like Media Matters,, and the brain-sharing freak show of Keith Olberman, Rachael Maddow and Chris Matthews. When not fundraising for Obama or shilling for Hugo Chavez, Ayers serves as a professor of education at the University of Illinois. Perhaps more disturbing is that Ayers has not ruled out the possibility of conducting future bombings, as he muses in his 2001 memoir Fugitive Days. But such is to be expected from the morally bankrupt lunatic left.
(let me interject here that the lunatic left isn't far removed from the nazis, either in rhetoric or deeds)gs

There is something wrong when presidential candidate McCain is made, by congressional mandate, to prove his eligibility as a candidate while Obama is not held to the same standard.

This is something wrong when a 32 year-old baseball player states that he believes Obama is hiding something regarding his birth certificate (i.e. his eligibility) and gets more press than a highly decorated military veteran who expresses the same concerns under the threat of court martial.

While the political favorites of the Tea Party, the conservative pundits who lecture relentlessly on the virtues of Republicans and conservatism, and the conservative bloggers whose article appear in lockstep with the old guard lead the masses down the acceptable path of truth and liberty, Lt. Col. Lakin has been unceremoniously denied both.

Sadly, so has every American. Sadder still, most don’t even realize it, and most of those with the moral obligation and opportunity to make a difference are contemptibly silent.

This entry is part 12 of 12 in the topic

Right, and I see two wrongs in equation above, and that just ain't right.

I also find it strange that no judge anywhere in America will make a ruling that would open any of Obama's records yet the Chicago mob had no trouble getting a judge to open the record of a messy divorce that had been ordered sealed as part of the settlement and Obama's political opponent had to withdraw because of the ruling and subsequent scandal.

Obama’s Terrorist Pal: MLK was More Radical than Rev. Wright | Floyd Reports

When Bill Ayers made the statement during a radio interview on December 1, 2010, that Hillary Clinton created Jeremiah Wright during the Obama campaign of 2008, the outlandishness of that portion of the interview is what got the most attention in the blogosphere. However, that wasn’t the claim that should have grabbed the headlines.

In an attempt to diminish Wright’s fiery rhetoric – which notoriously included shouts of “G** D*** America,” to his congregation – Ayers said that Barack Obama’s one-time pastor was “very moderate compared to say, the speeches of King Martin Luther King between ’65 and ’68.” In particular, Ayers pointed to a speech King gave in Memphis on March 18, 1968, called “America will go to Hell unless….”

Where is the uproar from the Left? A white male accused MLK of being more radical than a man who called for God’s condemnation of America from the pulpit. Ayers was saying that the rhetoric of Wright – an anti-Semite – was tame compared to that of the man whose legacy includes countless streets named after him.
Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield

Islam was born out of the brutal rape of a little girl. As the mother of the Sunni Caliphate, Aisha is not just an incidental figure. Her marriage to Mohammed lies at the heart of Islam. The alliance between her father and her abuser made Islam viable by giving its prophet his first real power base. After Mohammed's death, her father used that connection to the Chief Prophet of Islam, to gain the political upper hand over Mohammed's son-in-law in the civil war that arose afterward. And it was her father who oversaw the codification of the Koran in its written form.

The spread of the Islamic faith and the codification of the Koran were made possibly only through the rape of a little girl. And there is no way around that. Which is why child abuse remains a permanent part of Islam. To disavow it, is to disavow Islam's Prophet and his successor, whom Sunni Islam associates with the codification of their religion's holiest book. Muslims cannot tolerate gently mocking cartoons of their prophet. They certainly are not about to put him aside so that no more 9 year old girls get raped.

And how could they? One of the most awful Hadiths depicts Aisha's mother taking her from her swing set, wiping her face and then bringing her inside and putting her on Mohammed's lap. While everyone else left, Mohammed "consummated" his marriage with her. Another describes her friends coming over to play with dolls... after her marriage. Still another mentions that she had originally played with his own children.

When some of his men objected to raping married women in the presence of their husbands, Mohammed received one of his ever convenient revelations from Allah, which dissolved the marriages of captured women making it completely legal under Islamic law and morality for them to be raped. This is not just some ancient practice, it is used as sanction today to justify the rape of married women in the parts of the world both under and not under Islamic law.

Had Mohammed been a decent man, there never would have been an Islam. Had he been wealthy and powerful enough to engage all his appetites to their fullest, there would also have been no Islam. Islam exists only because Mohammed wanted more than he had. And didn't want to work for it. The campaign of mass murder and ethnic cleansing created a religion of terror, but it was done in the service of greed. Like so many tyrants, from Hitler to Kim Jong Il, Mohammed had a vastly inflated ego completely out of proportion to his actual abilities. And like them, he knew that cunning and ruthlessness would take him further, than righteousness and hard work ever would. He saw his opponents as weak because they were unwilling to do what he did. And that made them easy prey. Mohammed and his men did not win because they were stronger. Certainly not because they were more righteous. They won because they were willing to do anything to win. And those they fought weren't.


When discussing the International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010, Senator Durbin rose to give two examples, one from Afghanistan and one from Yemen. Again the word Islam was never mentioned, but it doesn't have to be. H.R. 2103, S. 987 is an unstated and unconscious challenge to the Islamic way of doing things. It will likely be useless, and may also funnel money to "faith-based organizations" that will probably be Islamic, but it is another reminder of the vast gap between the civilized world and Islam.

Yemen, which Durbin mentioned, ranks as the country in the world with the worst gender gap. Norway on the other hand ranks as the country with the least gender gap. As Islamic immigrants have flooded Norway, the vast majority of rapists in Oslo are Muslim. And the majority of rape victims are Norwegian. Wherever it goes, Islam carries with it the toxic baggage of Mohammed. And inevitably rape and child abuse follow. There is no way around that. Islam was born out of child abuse and rape. It cannot exist without it.
There use to be an old TV sitcom called 'Mr Ed', it starred a talking horse.

What MSNBC is producing might be call a talking horse's ass.

Muslim congressman Keith Ellison accuses GOP?s Peter King of bigotry - Vancouver American Politics |

Muslim congressman Keith Ellison accuses GOP’s Peter King of bigotry. The very proud and very first Islamic congressman from Minnesota, Keith Ellison, does not like Peter King at all. In fact, he downright loathes him. That explains why his appearance on MSNBC’s low-rated "The Ed Show," hosted by constantly angry Ed Schultz, was highlighted by nothing more than one personal attack after another against New York’s Peter King, who has said he intends to hold hearings on radical American Muslims in 2011.

In an appearance that involved more character assassination than reasoning and more absurd analogies than intellectual honesty, Ellison unloaded on King by calling him a bigot and a McCarthyist. It seems that some members of America’s Muslim community are using Saul Alinsky’s "Rules for Radicals" in order to silence patriots like King.
Keith Ellison soon to be changing his name to M'Balz Es-Hari.

He was going to change it, per MSNBC, to Hous Bin Pharteen but felt that the Bin part would bring a negative reaction.
Based on very dubious reasoning.

Feds sneaking around Congress to regulate firearms

Using exaggerated reports of gun smuggling from the U.S. into Mexico as their justification, the agency has filed for an emergency regulation requiring gun dealers to keep track of their customers and file special reports to ATF whenever a customer purchases more than one semi-automatic rifle within any 5-day period. Such special reporting is already required for multiple sales of handguns and has proven to be thoroughly useless as a law enforcement tool.

ATF's requested regulation – which is unconstitutional, violates a statutory prohibition against firearms registration schemes and was obviously filed as an "emergency" simply as a means of bypassing Congress – would be "temporary," meaning that it would have to be renewed in four or five months, and is said to only apply to gun dealers in states bordering Mexico, though the regulation, as submitted, seems to be missing that specific limitation.

At this point the proposed regulation is awaiting approval from the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Political observers will recall that OIRA is headed by President Obama's old friend Cass Sunstein, who famously advocated for the abolition of all hunting and for the extension of legal rights – including the right to have a court-appointed attorney – to animals.

Is this anything like a Chavez emergency??

VN Store
