Dear Northerners: we wood like yu to make a lot of t-shirts fer us. We can pay in dollars. We sure hope you can tell Mississippi from Alabama on a map, cause maybe we can't. Love, Bama-Tigers.
Dear Northerners: we wood like yu to make a lot of t-shirts fer us. We can pay in dollars. We sure hope you can tell Mississippi from Alabama on a map, cause maybe we can't. Love, Bama-Tigers.
That's so cool, I want one of those shirts, where can I get it at? On the back I can put on it " everything is so screwed up in these 2 states so what does it matter"
That's so cool, I want one of those shirts, where can I get it at? On the back I can put on it " everything is so screwed up in these 2 states so what does it matter"
SMH. Now if only I had a bunch of Alabama and Auburn fans on my Christmas list.
Wonder how long it would take a few of them to catch it.
Next design for these guys: A black T-Shirt with a black star bordered in gold with a white V in the middle. The Vanderbilt Commodores in script and in the background: A porcelain throne.
Dear Northerners: we wood like yu to make a lot of t-shirts fer us. We can pay in dollars. We sure hope you can tell Mississippi from Alabama on a map, cause maybe we can't. Love, Bama-Tigers.