Half of French Believe in Demographic Shift ‘Great Replacement’ Theory


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014

A survey released this week has revealed that half of the French public believe in the “Great Replacement” theory and that elites in politics and business are attempting to replace the native population of France.

The Ifop survey, which asked a number of questions regarding immigration and topics such as Islamisation, found that 50 per cent of the French believe in the Great Replacement, a theory coined by French writer Renaud Camus to describe the demographic replacement of native peoples by mass migration.

Nearly seven in ten of the respondents to the survey, or 69 per cent, stated they believed there were “too many” immigrants in France, while 62 per cent said that immigration was the primary reason for insecurity issues in the country, French news magazine L’Obs reports.

Half of French Believe in Demographic Shift 'Great Replacement' Theory
^^^ the EU is a great example of what to NOT EVER do...but it will surely be ignored like the countless testimonies from legal US immigrants from Romania, Ukraine, anf many other former Soviet states screaming at their loudest to NOT EVEN toy around with socialism/communism lest we manifest the destruction of our Republic! They scream "Stop! No!! Don't do it!!!" Yet the liberals cover their ears and close their eyes...

Liberalism is a mental disorder...and denial, delusion, and dishonesty are its hallmarks.

Wake up people.
^^^ the EU is a great example of what to NOT EVER do...but it will surely be ignored like the countless testimonies from legal US immigrants from Romania, Ukraine, anf many other former Soviet states screaming at their loudest to NOT EVEN toy around with socialism/communism lest we manifest the destruction of our Republic! They scream "Stop! No!! Don't do it!!!" Yet the liberals cover their ears and close their eyes...

Liberalism is a mental disorder...and denial, delusion, and dishonesty are its hallmarks.

Wake up people.
Liberals are a bunch of dopey dipsh**ts that live in Peace and Harmony Fantasyland…..
Are they replacing the French population with people that don't surrender?

I have made this same joke over the years, but I do have to take up for the French a little bit here.

We do not really understand what happened to them in the Great War or WW1 as we like to call it. France was bled white and, I believe, that experience led to their collapse in WW2, although there were a few shining examples of their bravery. Dunkirk for example.

If America had suffered the same level of battle deaths, population percentage wise, as France during the Great War, we would be remembering between four to five million military deaths, not to mention the additional millions wounded. I cut them some slack now.
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I have made this same joke over the years, but I do have to take up for the French a little bit here.

We do not really understand what happened to them in the Great War or WW1 as we like to call it. France was bled white and, I believe, that experience led to their collapse in WW2, although there were a few shining examples of their bravery. Dunkirk for example.

If America had suffered the same level of battle deaths, population percentage wise, as France during the Great War, we would be remembering between four to five million military deaths, not to mention the additional millions wounded. I cut them some slack now.
When I think I'm being too hard on the French, I remember two things. Number one, the ridiculousness of the Maginot line. Built to keep Germany from ever invading again. What did Hitler do? He invaded Belgium first then swept through France because they hadn't really built fortifications on that border. And number two, I totally blame France for us getting involved in Vietnam.
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When I think I'm being too hard on the French, I remember two things. Number one, the ridiculousness of the Maginot line. Built to keep Germany from ever invading again. What did Hitler do? He invaded Belgium first then swept through France because they hadn't really built fortifications on that border. And number two, I totally blame France for us getting involved in Vietnam.

Yep. The Maginot Line was a monument to stupid political thought.

Not going to blame them entirely for Vietnam. There were a lot of folks with their fingers in that pie. :)
There will be lots of civil strife all across Europe in the coming years, particularly because they have let so many Muslims in. Eventually the native Europeans will have had enough, and it will get real ugly.

And the bulk of Eastern and Western Euro countries have a deep history of purification.
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The main problem with the French military over the centuries is the aristocratic way officers are appointed and promoted. That might have changed since the Indo-China wars.

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