Half time adjustments

Just take a knee on offense and hope for more Defensive scores....(10 bucks says they still find a way to turn it over though)
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Have peterman punch muschamp.....get kicked out of game and never be seen in a #12 jersey again. That was embarrassing.
Offense stays in the locker room and hopes nobody notices.
If that doesn't work, wrap the O-Line in ace bandages and say they were injured and out for the game.

I'm hoping TN pulls something off, my wife is a UT fan, I don't think our tv can handle much more abuse.
Load the box. Play man. On offense Fake screens and more play action fakes. Ive seen us running open. Peterman just isnt ready
Anyone have any suggestions? I can't think of any atm......
Screens....lots of them. They might defend a few really well, but they have big potential for big gains. On the one they defended really well, our OL didn't get out on the defender fast enough. We've got to execute those better and our skill players have to make defenders miss. That's how UF got that one score. 2 on 2, and the receiver beat the DB (Swafford).
Serious reply? D keep playing. Offense is getting a new general, well maybe a lieutenant, but still a leader that moves forward instead of backwards.

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