Well, I guess its an opinion that he offered money, what he really said was, "it was a strong ass offer" or close to that. Money was never mentioned, although it could be implied that it was. As far as I know, no real information has ever been given to LSU or Will Wade's attorney, nor released to the public that would show how and when money was given or offered. The conversation was recorded as part of a criminal investigation the other party. I, for one am not saying money wasn't paid, heck, pretty sure money is getting paid now. LOL But its the going on the 4th year of this, Wade's attorney more or less told the NCAA to **** off last year.
The bigger issue is its probably in the NCAA's (and its members, employees, officers) best interest to completely stop investigations that have to do compensation, benefits, and maybe transfer issues. The USSC has already confirmed they are in violation of anti-trust which only addressed one small thing they are doing wrong, let alone all the other horrible things are doing. Anti-trust has civil and potentially
criminal penalties.
I have said it for a few weeks, once the DOJ letter was sent from the Anti-trust Division to the NCAA.... the NCAA as we have known it is/was gone. Its hard to imagine how the NCAA could really do anything to Tennessee, although Tennessee could fall on their own sword if they wish. Not sure why they would do that thought.
This is in the very early stages of a pardigm shift, the winners will adjust the quickest. (below is the NCAA's hammer, LOL)