Happy Birthday Dolly!

January 19 - Robert E. Lee. Ironic that MLK and REL share a birthday week.

And James Watt, the recognized inventor of the steam engine, ushering in the industrial revolution.
Did she attend U-T?
NO. Went straight from age 16 (actually began earlier than that) to Nashville & Stardom. She doesn't need to have attended UT to be a VFL, having done more than most humans for the State & the University. She will go down as the Greatest Singer, Songwriter, and Entertainer Ever.... Not to mention Her immeasurable contributions to her fellow Man/Woman.
NO. Went straight from age 16 (actually began earlier than that) to Nashville & Stardom. She doesn't need to have attended UT to be a VFL, having done more than most humans for the State & the University. She will go down as the Greatest Singer, Songwriter, and Entertainer Ever.... Not to mention Her immeasurable contributions to her fellow Man/Woman.
AND...whom else has released an album with a special "Vol Version" including Sheilds-Watkins Field, Checkerboard end zones and a SPECIAL edition of Rocky Top...??!!
Love this. I have posted this story before-- when I graduated from UT and was on a backpacking tour of Central America, I took a rowboat from southern Belize to my next stop in Guatemala. The Rastafarian local who was taking me on the journey pointed to mountain range on land just like this and said ' we call those the Dolly Parton mountains" !!
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NO. Went straight from age 16 (actually began earlier than that) to Nashville & Stardom. She doesn't need to have attended UT to be a VFL, having done more than most humans for the State & the University. She will go down as the Greatest Singer, Songwriter, and Entertainer Ever.... Not to mention Her immeasurable contributions to her fellow Man/Woman.

Back when I was in school I heard from a friend in the UT music department that she may have received honorary phd in music from UT. Hope it's true - if not they would be dumb to not consider it.

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