First, while working americans love a good fight, there's something a bit closer to their hearts...a paycheck! If America continues down the road we're traveling, there'll be no more oversized paychecks for your members, half of whom couldn't tell you the name of the current sitting vice-president much less understand what they get in return for the dues automatically deducted from their checks.
Secondly, the Tea Party IS WORKING know, all the red states in between the blue ones you extort...with a smattering in enemy territory that remain unafraid of your [insert adjective here] syndicate.
You can call your Teamster Army to arms, but I think you'll soon realize it's a bit harder to rally the troops behind a lost cause...Obama has this country tetering on a cliff and your membership knows it. In the end, they'll choose food for their family instead of lining your pockets with their hard earned money!