Happy Mother’s Day

Wish my Mom was still here on earth with us but, comforting to know she is alive and well and enjoying her day upstairs.

Happy Mothers Day to all of our great mothers!!

Just finished the brunch I fixed for her featuring omelettes and sous vide filet mignon. Been at it since 7:00 although I set up the sous vide when I took an old man bathroom break at 4 am.

I need a freaking nap.
Dude, that is next level. I made crepes for my wife. Never have mastered omelet technique. You inspire me.
Dude, that is next level. I made crepes for my wife. Never have mastered omelet technique. You inspire me.

The New York Times has a "How To" section with video in their Cooking section.

The secret is to salt the eggs for at least 5 mins ahead (helps fluffiness) and while using a fork you keep pulling the outside towards the middle allowing the liquid to flow out and create new edges. The video really helps.

On the other hand my crepes never work out right, so you've got me there.
The New York Times has a "How To" section with video in their Cooking section.

The secret is to salt the eggs for at least 5 mins ahead (helps fluffiness) and while using a fork you keep pulling the outside towards the middle allowing the liquid to flow out and create new edges. The video really helps.

On the other hand my crepes never work out right, so you've got me there.
The key with crepes is to learn how to flip things in the pan one-handed. Trying to flip them with a spatula without tearing them is much harder.
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It helps to practice with oil or water. Water’s most convenient, but as a cook once told me, “hot oil gives a lesson.”

Those pros are tough. My wife and I used to take lessons from a retired woman (she taught small classes) out of her home. She was one of the early women that graduated from Cordon Bleu. She had written books and even had a big city cooking show. She knew all the greats: Child, Pepin, etc.

She told a story about badly cutting her hand in class. The instructor, who did not like having a woman in his class much less an American, asked to see the wound and poured salt in it.

I would have stabbed him.
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