Harbaugh takes a shot at Saban

I have liked Harbaugh since he was at Stanford. He is a weird dude, but he makes it work for him IMO.

I hope he does well at Michigan.
I have liked Harbaugh since he was at Stanford. He is a weird dude, but he makes it work for him IMO.

I hope he does well at Michigan.

I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to like Harbaugh unless you're a Michigan fan. Just sayin'.
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I always thought Nick Saban and Jim Harbaugh were the biggest douches in college football along with Urban Meyer.
I don't get where Harabuagh thinks Saban is accusing or insinuating that he broke any rules. I listened to the question and answer and read the transcript and don't hear that. Maybe I missed it.

When Saban is backed into a corner and can't figure his way out he cries about it "in the interest of the players". He did it with uptempo offenses and now the satellite camps. If Harbaugh wants to call him out for that, that's fine. But Harbaugh looks like just as big of a whiner as Saban when he takes to Twitter every 15 minutes and twists people's words.
I don't get where Harabuagh thinks Saban is accusing or insinuating that he broke any rules. I listened to the question and answer and read the transcript and don't hear that. Maybe I missed it.

When Saban is backed into a corner and can't figure his way out he cries about it "in the interest of the players". He did it with uptempo offenses and now the satellite camps. If Harbaugh wants to call him out for that, that's fine. But Harbaugh looks like just as big of a whiner as Saban when he takes to Twitter every 15 minutes and twists people's words.

I think these were the comments Harbaugh took issue with.

"All the people that say this is creating opportunities for kids, this is all about recruiting," the Alabama coach told reporters at the SEC spring meetings. "That's what it's about.

"Why should we be promoting anybody else's camp anywhere? All we're doing is allowing all these other people that we spend all of our time at the NCAA saying you can't recruit through a third-party person, and that's exactly what you're doing.

"Creating all these third parties. And who gets exposed on that? I go to a camp and talk to some guy I don't know from Adam's house cat, and he's representing some kid cause he's putting a camp on, and then I'm in trouble for talking to this guy."

"I'm not blaming Jim Harbaugh," Saban said. "I'm saying it's bad for college football. Harbaugh can do whatever he wants to do if he thinks that's what's best. There needs to be somebody who looks out for what's best for the game, not the SEC or the Big Ten or Jim Harbaugh. But what's best for the game of college football. The integrity of the game."

Tipsheet: Saban rails against satellite camps | Jeff Gordon | stltoday.com

That's what I heard and saw. I'm either misinterpreting it or its Saban being Saban. I take it as this is a gray area and it's bad cause "it could get one of us coaches in trouble". As if he really cares about that. He knows Harbaugh is great coach, solid recruiter and has all the narrative this spring. One more program to contend with for recruits in the South, makes his job harder.

Every time something hurts Savan or goes against his philosophy he finds some obscure rationale to fight it.
I have liked Harbaugh since he was at Stanford. He is a weird dude, but he makes it work for him IMO.

I hope he does well at Michigan.

I use to like him. Now I just wish he would shut up and go away. He reminds me of a high school girl. It's always something with him and he has to have social media to throw his digs. Enough is enough. Maybe he should spend some time watching the film from Ohio state and figure out how he will stop them.
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I find it entertaining to see those two sparring back and forth. It's like they're taking turns pulling each other's hair.
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Eh. Sometimes, Harbaugh is fine. Other times he's the guy that over escalates things.

Friend: "Nice khakis, Jim. I didn't know you shopped at my grandpa's garage sale hahaha.

Harbaugh: "Oh yeah Frank? WELL YOUR DAD IS AN ALCOHOLIC."
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Harbaugh's antics are pretty much propping up all offseason college radio shows and sites. Finebaum can't stop talking about this guy.
Harbaugh needs to stop responding to any and everything. It looks childish.

I agree with the poster that said Harbaugh is the guy that takes it way too far.

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