Has Vitello or Heupel had a bigger impact on Tn ?

Are you framing this question within the context of their respective impact on the Tennessee baseball program specifically or within the larger context of Tennessee athletics?
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? Your definition of impact. Heupel has not won SEC or made playoffs or competed for Natty. If you take the shear size of football out of it what has Heupel done other than beat Alabama in a down year?
? Your definition of impact. Heupel has not won SEC or made playoffs or competed for Natty. If you take the shear size of football out of it what has Heupel done other than beat Alabama in a down year?

If you take the shear size of football out of it, you have a point. As for your anssertion of Alabama being in a down year…their “down” happened because Tennessee beat them. Their only other loss was in OT in Baton Rouge. Alabama destroyed the Big 12 champs in the Sugar. Heupel also beat Clemson in a NY6 bowl, so you’re marginalizing Heupel’s accomplishments a bit. Also, it was Year 2 after the program was decimated.

But I’m not taking the shear size of football out. Football success simply has more impact than baseball success.

Edit: I didn’t see the OP saying “take the shear size of football out of it” initially. Maybe he edited after I read it initially. If we do that, the answer is TV. He’s generated success and interest in Tennessee baseball (and college baseball overall) that didn’t exist before.
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I will agree if you take the shear size out then football coach wins almost every time because the football coach at LSU is known by more people than Johnson. He is more recognizable and brings in more money and so on. That is all due to shear size and the platform. But I would disagree that baseball has come farther in TV's time than football to this point. I hope Heupel wins, and you guys let him stay. I might can become and UT football fan. Fans have a tendency to build a what have you done for me lately mentality and get rid of coaches rather than let them build a dynasty. That is why there are very few of them.
Its like 1A & 1B to with me

What are your thoughts ? Take the shear size of college football out of it.
You have to put coach Barnes in this discussion as well. He took over a dumpster fire!
I’d argue Coach Heupel inherited a much larger problem with sanctions looming over the program and half of his roster transferring before he set foot on campus.
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Its like 1A & 1B to with me

What are your thoughts ? Take the shear size of college football out of it.

Two totally different situations and it’s almost impossible to compare the two coaches - TV made a program relevant, but didn’t inherit near the problems and expectations as Heup.

If you strictly compare accomplishments, then it’s TV; that said, I’d argue Heupel accomplished more in his first two seasons than TV did in his first two.

Either way, I wouldn’t choose any other coach in the country for either sport over who we have and I’ll include the Deacon in that sentiment.
All three men's coaches (Barnes, Heupel and Vitello) have had massive impacts on their respective sports. Football is the big money maker, obviously, but without all three of them and their huge contributions to Tennessee the Vols don't crest the $200mm revenue mark.
I’d argue Coach Heupel inherited a much larger problem with sanctions looming over the program and half of his roster transferring before he set foot on campus.
It’s JH and not close. I was just saying we shouldn’t forget about the job RB has done either. All 3 coaches have brought us back from dark places!
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? Your definition of impact. Heupel has not won SEC or made playoffs or competed for Natty. If you take the shear size of football out of it what has Heupel done other than beat Alabama in a down year?
So? Impact on the University, Heupel. Impact on the baseball program, TV is the King of Spring sports.
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Apples to Oranges.....depends on how skewed your sport slant. One says I'm futbol and that's it. Like me I check on basically all VOLS sports. I don't put one against another. Most reasonable folks realize that UT is a futbol school like vandee is a bowling school. I pull for soccer to softball to bezbol to futbol and all in between. But asking who has had greatest impact? One coach,unnamed, has helped spur facilities upgrades for his sport. Another coach,unnamed, is helping reestablish the VOLS to national prominence in the sport he coaches. So impact is relevant to you based on your view.
I couldn’t be happier with the big 3 head coaches. Best 3 at the same time in my lifetime. I hope all 3 retire as Vols. I hadn’t been to a Vols baseball game since 1994 before CTV, and now rarely miss one. CTV has been simply outstanding.
Tony's greatest gift to the university was to bring confidence back to our athletic department by recruiting top level talent and letting them show their character and have fun while pushing themselves to be excellent. He made us more fun than we have ever been.
I will agree if you take the shear size out then football coach wins almost every time because the football coach at LSU is known by more people than Johnson. He is more recognizable and brings in more money and so on. That is all due to shear size and the platform. But I would disagree that baseball has come farther in TV's time than football to this point. I hope Heupel wins, and you guys let him stay. I might can become and UT football fan. Fans have a tendency to build a what have you done for me lately mentality and get rid of coaches rather than let them build a dynasty. That is why there are very few of them.

I agree with most of that. TV has definitely done more within the confines of his sport. He’s also had much more time. Compare the two through their 2nd seasons and Heupel comes out on top.

I don’t see “letting him stay” being a concern with Heupel. Tennessee fans have been plenty patient with coaches in the past. There isn’t a single coach UT has fired who didn’t need to be fired. Hell, Johnny Majors got 9 years to win an SEC championship in a 10 team SEC. Any notion that UT fans have run of good coaches is without merit. I think more would be concerned with Heupel leaving for OU or the NFL.
Wish we had hired CJH when did Tony. Which one one has biggest impact? The answer you get depends on what type of UT sports fan you ask.

I really, really like where our programs are heading.

I say it's great to be a Tennessee Vol!
I will agree if you take the shear size out then football coach wins almost every time because the football coach at LSU is known by more people than Johnson. He is more recognizable and brings in more money and so on. That is all due to shear size and the platform. But I would disagree that baseball has come farther in TV's time than football to this point. I hope Heupel wins, and you guys let him stay. I might can become and UT football fan. Fans have a tendency to build a what have you done for me lately mentality and get rid of coaches rather than let them build a dynasty. That is why there are very few of them.
I bet “we will let him stay” longer than GA allowed Mark Richt to stay. :) Comparing the 2, most would argue that Richt should have been retained vs Fulmer. Granted it eventually worked out well for both programs, GA fans shouldn‘t be casting stones at how TN handled the Fulmer regime. The absolute incompetent hiring of Dooley, Jones, and Pruitt was TN’s downfall. GA had a gem in the wings in Smart. We finally found our gem in Heupel.
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I bet “we will let him stay” longer than GA allowed Mark Richt to stay. :) Comparing the 2, most would argue that Richt should have been retained vs Fulmer. Granted it eventually worked out well for both programs, GA fans shouldn‘t be casting stones at how TN handled the Fulmer regime. The absolute incompetent hiring of Dooley, Jones, and Pruitt was TN’s downfall. GA had a gem in the wings in Smart. We finally found our gem in Heupel.
You forgot Kiffin. Firing a Hall of Fame coach and replacing him with Lane Kiffin was the bone headed move of the century in college sports.
You forgot Kiffin. Firing a Hall of Fame coach and replacing him with Lane Kiffin was the bone headed move of the century in college sports.
Good point. Had Kiffin not departed for his “dream job” at USC, TN would have been on probation that would have made Pruitt’s cheating look tame.

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