Haslam Field turf replaced to stay green



Bigly Membered
Apr 7, 2013

“Knoxville is in what is called a transition climate zone in the turf-grass industry,” Seybold said Friday.
That means the grass that looks the best in a cool season might turn brown in the summer, or vice versa. You may experience something like that in your own front yard. But while it’s possible to overseed a lawn or simply deal with a few months of dormant grass, that’s no longer an option at many colleges.
Green money that Haslam is laundering to keep his azz out of jail. :sad:

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. In fact, it wouldn't surprise to see Jimmy go on another donation/buying spree in an attempt to buy goodwill before he goes to trial.

What saddens me is that KNS is terrified to write what Cleveland has written and ESPN has talked about in broadcasts. Balancing out any negative story with how great the rebate program was when it was clearly a vehicle to rip off truckers makes me ill. We deserve a free press and certainly shouldn't have ESPN covering it better than us.

I especially don't like frauds that steal from the "unsophisticated" to use Jimmy's word for "dumb redneck" no matter who they are or what party they're in. I appreciated the Music school upgrade the Haslams are behind as well as the goal to have all Steinways but I do think Dr. Julian's name should be on that building even if it's called the Julian-Haslam School of Music. I think it's a slap in the face that Dr. Julian's name isn't on there given how much he did for our university and the prestige her earned for our band.

I think Jimmy is in deep-do after reading the FBI reports. Too many top execs are in a line begging to squeal on him. Let him buy some good will on campus, we need a lot of things beyond football that need help and when you get out of prison you'll have a shot at making things normal again.
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Wouldn't surprise me in the least. In fact, it wouldn't surprise to see Jimmy go on another donation/buying spree in an attempt to buy goodwill before he goes to trial.

What saddens me is that KNS is terrified to write what Cleveland has written and ESPN has talked about in broadcasts. Balancing out any negative story with how great the rebate program was when it was clearly a vehicle to rip off truckers makes me ill. We deserve a free press and certainly shouldn't have ESPN covering it better than us.

I especially don't like frauds that steal from the "unsophisticated" to use Jimmy's word for "dumb redneck" no matter who they are or what party they're in. I appreciated the Music school upgrade the Haslams are behind as well as the goal to have all Steinways but I do think Dr. Julian's name should be on that building even if it's called the Julian-Haslam School of Music. I think it's a slap in the face that Dr. Julian's name isn't on there given how much he did for our university and the prestige her earned for our band.

I think Jimmy is in deep-do after reading the FBI reports. Too many top execs are in a line begging to squeal on him. Let him buy some good will on campus, we need a lot of things beyond football that need help and when you get out of prison you'll have a shot at making things normal again.

The Haslam's donate out of generosity to the University. Why would UT/ Knoxville risk ruining that relationship? It would be stupid.

In Cleveland, he's a team owner. Completely different scenario. He's already bought the team. He's fair game, so to speak.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least. In fact, it wouldn't surprise to see Jimmy go on another donation/buying spree in an attempt to buy goodwill before he goes to trial.

What saddens me is that KNS is terrified to write what Cleveland has written and ESPN has talked about in broadcasts. Balancing out any negative story with how great the rebate program was when it was clearly a vehicle to rip off truckers makes me ill. We deserve a free press and certainly shouldn't have ESPN covering it better than us.

I especially don't like frauds that steal from the "unsophisticated" to use Jimmy's word for "dumb redneck" no matter who they are or what party they're in. I appreciated the Music school upgrade the Haslams are behind as well as the goal to have all Steinways but I do think Dr. Julian's name should be on that building even if it's called the Julian-Haslam School of Music. I think it's a slap in the face that Dr. Julian's name isn't on there given how much he did for our university and the prestige her earned for our band.

I think Jimmy is in deep-do after reading the FBI reports. Too many top execs are in a line begging to squeal on him. Let him buy some good will on campus, we need a lot of things beyond football that need help and when you get out of prison you'll have a shot at making things normal again.

We have our very own "Dr.J", he was the originator of the circle drill used across the nation.
The rebate scandal....."What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive . The rich don't go to jail.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least. In fact, it wouldn't surprise to see Jimmy go on another donation/buying spree in an attempt to buy goodwill before he goes to trial.

What saddens me is that KNS is terrified to write what Cleveland has written and ESPN has talked about in broadcasts. Balancing out any negative story with how great the rebate program was when it was clearly a vehicle to rip off truckers makes me ill. We deserve a free press and certainly shouldn't have ESPN covering it better than us.

I especially don't like frauds that steal from the "unsophisticated" to use Jimmy's word for "dumb redneck" no matter who they are or what party they're in. I appreciated the Music school upgrade the Haslams are behind as well as the goal to have all Steinways but I do think Dr. Julian's name should be on that building even if it's called the Julian-Haslam School of Music. I think it's a slap in the face that Dr. Julian's name isn't on there given how much he did for our university and the prestige her earned for our band.

I think Jimmy is in deep-do after reading the FBI reports. Too many top execs are in a line begging to squeal on him. Let him buy some good will on campus, we need a lot of things beyond football that need help and when you get out of prison you'll have a shot at making things normal again.
I was a student when Julian commanded his band-troops, they used to wake me nearly every Saturday morning practicing what felt like right outside my window at the ATO house. :snoring:

Couldn't agree more about his being properly recognized. Damn shame.

As to Haslam, he, and the crowd they run with, have always had this holier-than-thou attitude of this I can most personally attest. This rebate issue isn't an aberration it is the result of a business ethic that has existed in the Haslam family for eons.
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The Haslam's donate out of generosity to the University. Why would UT/ Knoxville risk ruining that relationship? It would be stupid.

In Cleveland, he's a team owner. Completely different scenario. He's already bought the team. He's fair game, so to speak.

I have no problem with UT taking their money. In fact, I said we should let him buy more goodwill (he's going to need it). However, I think it was crass not to include Dr. Julian's name on the music building alongside the Haslam name.

I DO have a problem with KNS not covering the story the way any free press should. KNS is not the university and Pilot is HQ'd here where the freaking raid happened. What happens to Pilot and Haslam is going to have a major impact on a lot of Knoxvillians and Tennesseans.
I think it depends on what their definition of green is. If they're changing from a southern turf that assuredly turns completely brown in the winter then they could pick just about any other type.

You can keep Kentucky Bluegrass/Tall Fescue green all winter with fertilizer especially given Knoxville's past mild winters.
I think it depends on what their definition of green is. If they're changing from a southern turf that assuredly turns completely brown in the winter then they could pick just about any other type.

You can keep Kentucky Bluegrass/Tall Fescue green all winter with fertilizer especially given Knoxville's past mild winters.

The problem with Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue in Tennessee is the summer. Late June through early September are tough times for those grasses. Unless you put insane amounts of water on it, it can turn a bit brown, much like bermuda does in the winter. Best results would probably be found using Bermuda with a fall overseed with ryegrass as someone else suggested. I'm not a pro turf guy, but I know what worked and didn't work for my yard when I was in Martin, TN versus what works in my yard in Tupelo, MS.
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