Having class on Saturday...



Senior Member
Jul 22, 2005
I just saw this on another thread and thought it worth repeating. I really hope that our fans show class to the Air Force kids on Saturday. They don't deserve "sucks" after their name is announced. If anything, they deserve a standing "o" for their service to our country. When Florida comes into town, we can have some fun and let loose a bit. I have a feeling our playing will do the talking anyway.:thumbsup:
I just saw this on another thread and thought it worth repeating. I really hope that our fans show class to the Air Force kids on Saturday. They don't deserve "sucks" after their name is announced. If anything, they deserve a standing "o" for their service to our country. When Florida comes into town, we can have some fun and let loose a bit. I have a feeling our playing will do the talking anyway.:thumbsup:
Thanks for the heads up, MOM!!!
I can't wait until D-Mo levels one of my future officers like he did Samardizizizjijja last year:)
Like I said...I think the playing will do the talking. CC...sorry, I forgot "class" was taboo on this board.:dunno:
Whoa there chief . . . I understand what you are saying, but don't start dogging the whole board.
So you saying i have no class GA???

I just dont need to be told how to act. I am a grown man who is capable of making decisions for myself. This is football not life or death. If i wanna boo then i will boo. :neener:
Actually, that wasn't GA, it was me. And I didn't tell you to do anything. I just said "I hope." You can do whatever you want...
...and this guy is as classless as they come. Don't believe me? Ask him to make you an avatar.
Sure thing GA. What would you like? I could make a guy running with a model airplane for ya. I bet that hasn't been done. :) :dance2: :dance:
I thought this thread was gonna be about someone that had a course class scheduled for Saturdays and was asking for sympathy.

At this point of the thread, I wish that's what it WAS about.
I thought this thread was gonna be about someone that had a course class scheduled for Saturdays and was asking for sympathy.

At this point of the thread, I wish that's what it WAS about.

:lol: That's exactly what I thought it was going to be about too.
You're one to talk. :lol:

I saw you said the not so nice version of dang yesterday... I'm surprised LIO didn't give you the boot as usual.
LOL. Well i try to push her buttons, but she loves me to much. I am too much fun and keep things interesting. I have seen much worse than damn in recent days and those werent even edited.

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