Health Forum: A question for Freak



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2009
Hey Freak, why isn’t there a Health forum? We have forums for Movies and Music, Gaming, etc. It seems with everything going on with Covid, there should be one.

The Covid thread is nearly 4,500 pages and the Vaccine thread is nearly 650 pages. There could be threads on Delta, Omicron, the vaccine, masks, etc.
We even got some doctors working out of their white panelled vans under the bridge that could contribute.

Probably not enough traffic for a full forum, imo.

You see so many Covid posts here because of the politicization of it. Could probably boil both threads down to like 10 pages if it was just medical information.
It doesn’t have to be about Covid always. I see discussions over in the recruiting forum thread about back injuries and treatments.
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Just messing with you. There are plenty of ways to skin a cat. If your muscles are doing work and you enjoy it, keep it up. And, change it up. Getting in a rut is no bueno.

Push ups, pull ups, and dips work just about every upper body muscle. Squats, lunges, ham raises, and calf raises hit the lowers. It's not rocket surgery.
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