Health Insurance Reform....A Reality Check.

truth does seem to be this administration's strong suit. Heck, even Obama mentioned it on the campaign trail.
I sent a suggestion that they should post the finished bill on the internet for 10 days before it is to be voted on, as promised by Obama during his campaign. That would end any confusion about the bill.

No response yet.
Funny thing here is that we're no longer talking healthcare reform, but have morphed toward insurance reform. I thought this started as an idea to actually make it cheaper rather than a fight over who's paying the bill.
You linked the Obama Whitehouse? Do you have a credible source?

Your souce is about as credible as the Weekly World News.

Funny thing here is that we're no longer talking healthcare reform, but have morphed toward insurance reform. I thought this started as an idea to actually make it cheaper rather than a fight over who's paying the bill.

It is called "Focus Groups". They think going after the big bad insurance companies will get more people on board.
am I the only one who thinks this quote is funny?

As long as they have a good product and the government plan has to sustain itself through premiums and other non-tax revenue, private insurers should be able to compete with the government plan, Obama said.

"They do it all the time," he said. "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. ... It's the Post Office that's always having problems."

which one is hemorrhaging money and run by the gov't?
One of MANY empty "I don't know what the hell I'm talking about" statements.
He keeps referring to "his" plan, he has no plan.

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