Every time I've ever heard the show, it sounds like this.
"Welcome back to the Dan Patrick Show. Joining us in 20 minutes is the late Hollywood movie producer Don Simpson, who will tell us a little bit about whether he believes 'Moneyball' is maintaining its hold on baseball seven years after its publication.
I was having dinner the other night with Wayne Gretzky and Jay-Z. Both are personal friends of mine, so I text them regularly. We decided to have a night out at Peter Luger's in New York City. It's one of the most exclusive restaurants in the Big Apple. Gretzky was watching a hockey game, so he joined us via satellite uplink.
Keith Olbermann is unemployed again. Maybe he'd like to fill in these minute-long pauses with something also pompous and snobby.
The Knicks' offense revolves around one thing. Pass the rock.
And that takes us to our 15-minute break. We'll be back with Don Simpson after these commercials."
(If I had an hour to kill, I'd listen to 15 minutes of Dan Patrick talking.)