Hearings on al-Jazeera in America:



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Al Jazeera called "Security Threat" To America - Atlas Shrugs

A panel that included Kincaid, blogger Pamela Geller, securities analyst Charles Ortel, independent TV producer Jerry Kenney and investigative journalist Lee Kaplan agreed that the network, often used by terrorists to deliver their messages to the world, actually has helped radicals such as al-Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas in their efforts to radicalize Muslims.

"Al-Jazeera's anti-American programming already has a dangerous foothold in the United States," Kincaid said. "And it is seeking to expand to millions of homes through a deal with the cable giant Comcast. Any such deal would pose an unacceptable danger to American citizens by further adding to the potential for home-grown jihadists inspired by al-Jazeera’s inflammatory programming."

WikiLeaks cables documented U.S. Ambassador Joseph LeBaron saying: "Al-Jazeera's ability to influence public opinion throughout the region is a substantial source of leverage for Qatar, one which it is unlikely to relinquish. Moreover, the network can also be used as a chip to improve relations. For example, al-Jazeera's more favorable coverage of Saudi Arabia's royal family has facilitated Qatari-Saudi reconciliation over the past year."

But the panel pointed out that Al-Jazeera's primary Arabic-language network has frequently served as a mouthpiece for Muslim Brotherhood figures such as Egyptian-born cleric Yusuf al-Qardawi and for terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki.

The network interviewed Awlaki, who has been marked for death by the Obama administration, in the immediate aftermath of the attempted Christmas Day bombing and the Fort Hood shootings. Al-Jazeera quoted Awlaki as praising the attacks and encouraging Muslims to engage in violence against the United States and "take revenge for all Muslims across the globe."

The Muslim Brotherhood’s website, Ikhwanweb, describes Khanfar as having a Muslim Brotherhood background, but the Al-Jazeera chief denied his politics have an impact on his channel's coverage.

However, media critic Mamoun Fandy testified before the 9/11 commission that Al-Jazeera's reporters were a "Who's Who" "in the rank and file of the Brotherhood."

Kincaid also cited a federal lawsuit seeking damages from the network due to its alleged involvement in Hezbollah's 2006 rocket attacks against Israel. The case claims that Israel-based Al-Jazeera employees helped the terror group determine the accuracy of its attacks against the Jewish state.

"Al-Jazeera should be designated a terrorist organization just like [Hezbollah's channel] Al-Manar," Geller said. "Al-Manar's designated a terrorist organization.

Al-Jazeera already has made inroads into American markets, particularly in Washington, D.C., and in several other cities where the network's English-language channel operates on public television stations via the MHz network.

Kenney alleges that MHz illegally has ceded programming control to Al-Jazeera and the Kremlin's English-language network Russia Today.

"In effect, foreign propagandists have hijacked public television stations made possible by the American taxpayers," Kenney said. "I always thought that public TV stations adhered to production standards that put a substantial emphasis on accuracy in content. But obviously something has changed.
Wow. This is ridiculous. They call Al-Jazeera a security threat but fail to name any of the big three for intentionally misleading viewers? A-J is a better news source for world news than the other three combined, forget the obvious Islamic target for a second.
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I see. So a bunch of uber anti-Muslim commentators get together and have a panel where, shockingly, they agree with each other that they are right. And then you post it as though it has any signfiicance.

This is why I don't participate in organized bar activities. All they do is give each other awards.
I see. So a bunch of uber anti-Muslim commentators get together and have a panel where, shockingly, they agree with each other that they are right. And then you post it as though it has any signfiicance.

This is why I don't participate in organized bar activities. All they do is give each other awards.
I'll agree with this, the use of "Hearings" in the title implies that there was some legitimacy or impact on anything here, I might have missed something here though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
A-J is much like the National Enquirer. Its no wonder the herds of ignorant masses in the arab world are so easily duped. Kinda like MSNBC to LG.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
A-J is much like the National Enquirer. Its no wonder the herds of ignorant masses in the arab world are so easily duped. Kinda like MSNBC to LG.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Don't forget Fox News. Of all the major outlets, including A-J, they're far and above the most biased. Hell, Rupert Murdoch himself considers it "opinionated news."
I'll agree with this, the use of "Hearings" in the title implies that there was some legitimacy or impact on anything here, I might have missed something here though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

What's with the avatar, having a sex change??

Danged right you're missing something.

Gee the 'ignore gs' crowd is really coming out of the closet tonight!

The House Homeland Security Committee holding hearings on the radicalization of moslem Americans may be inclined to hear the panel now.

Hint, parcels dripping blood tend to alarm postal workers.
Kenney said "I always thought that public TV stations adhered to production standards that put a substantial emphasis on accuracy in content. But obviously something has changed."

And obviously this Kenney fellow ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, or has somehow managed to maintain unaware of the existence of CNN, MSNBC or Fox News.
What's with the avatar, having a sex change??

Danged right you're missing something.

Gee the 'ignore gs' crowd is really coming out of the closet tonight!

The House Homeland Security Committee holding hearings on the radicalization of moslem Americans may be inclined to hear the panel now.

Hint, parcels dripping blood tend to alarm postal workers.

I saw that article yesterday, not sure where Al Jazeera comes into the equation though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
AJ is actually a halfway decent source. It was on, 24/7 on a watchfloor in the Pentagon when I was there. In regards to reflecting sentiment of the arab world, there is no comparison. There is often very little deviation between our backdoor comms traffic and what AJ was reporting.

Sadly enough, in the last year or so, their coverage of the US is actually better than MSNBC or Fox. They don't have sensationalist buffoons that are paid to deceive like our networks have. AJ gives the information in it's brutal (often uncensored) format and let the viewer decide. Our networks decide for us before the final cut is made.
I saw that article yesterday, not sure where Al Jazeera comes into the equation though.

Al-Jazeera quoted Awlaki as praising the attacks
and encouraging Muslims to engage in violence
against the United States and "take revenge f
or all Muslims across the globe."

Goes to inciting American moslems to commit
violence in this country.!

AJ is actually a halfway decent source. It was on, 24/7 on a watchfloor in the Pentagon when I was there. In regards to reflecting sentiment of the arab world, there is no comparison. There is often very little deviation between our backdoor comms traffic and what AJ was reporting.

Sadly enough, in the last year or so, their coverage of the US is actually better than MSNBC or Fox. They don't have sensationalist buffoons that are paid to deceive like our networks have. AJ gives the information in it's brutal (often uncensored) format and let the viewer decide. Our networks decide for us before the final cut is made.

At least the feelings in the Arab world as
espoused by the muslim brotherhood.

Sadly the majority of the moslem world
reflects the views of the muslim brotherhood
to a T.

The reason most all the US network and cable
TV news shows ratings are tanking is because
most Americans are nauseated by their sorry
coverage of most everything.

Al-Jazeera is a sorry source to replace them
At least the feelings in the Arab world as
espoused by the muslim brotherhood.

Sadly the majority of the moslem world
reflects the views of the muslim brotherhood
to a T.

The reason most all the US network and cable
TV news shows ratings are tanking is because
most Americans are nauseated by their sorry
coverage of most everything.

Al-Jazeera is a sorry source to replace them

The muslim brotherhood is to the majority of the middle east like the tea party is to the majority of the US. Simply put, they're a boisterous, loud and misrepresentation of a diverse population. I know it's easier to cling to opinions about the middle east as long as they're all freedom hatin' terrists, but simply put, most just want to exist without getting their heads cut off and having their wife and daughters sold into a sex ring. The middle east is a very jacked up place, absolutely, but that is not the wish of the majority. It's because the majority hasn't unified.

At least not until recently with Libya, Egypt, etc. We'll see how those turn out and how Iraq evolves. Bear in mind there isn't even a symbolance of a democracy in the ME (Iran). The current powers are not there by the votes and wishes of the people. Hopefully the Middle East can find peace but I doubt it. There has been constant warfare and suppression of the people since, quite literally, the birth of civilization.

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