Trying to add a Picture but having issued doing it....i can go to user CP browse for the photo...retrive it and then when I click on save changes it says it "failed"?? any help would be great!
to add it to your post. If it is saved on your computer, you can attach it to a post when you click on manage attachment button. That appears if you reply to this or click "Go advanced" below the quick reply box.
Go to the top orange bar and click on User CP. Scroll down the left side and click on Edit Avatar. Click on Choose File. When you find the pic you want to use on your computer, double click on it and then click save changes.
Go to the top orange bar and click on User CP. Scroll down the left side and click on Edit Avatar. Click on Choose File. When you find the pic you want to use on your computer, double click on it and then click save changes.
They way it should work is this........Find the pic on the internet. Hover your mouse over the pic and right click. Click on Copy image url. To put it in your post, click the
and paste it in the box that opens. If that doesn't do it, something is weird.