Here we go again..



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Oct 23, 2003
Saturday, December 27, 2003

ESPN: PHI@WAS Sat., 8:30 PM ET news services

Steve Spurrier apparently is contemplating his resignation from the Washington Redskins after talking it over with his wife, ESPN's Chris Mortensen reported Saturday.

Team sources told Mortensen that Spurrier has discussed the Redskins situation with his wife, Jerri, and that both agreed that they are unhappy and don't feel they should have to continue to live that way.

Earlier in the week, Spurrier told the Washington Post that he was planning to return to the Redskins, but did not say it was a sure thing. "You just never say never," Spurrier told the Post. "I don't deal in absolutes because if you say something and things change, you just never know."

Earlier in the season, owner Daniel Snyder said that Spurrier "absolutely" would be back.

Snyder hired Spurrier before the 2002 season, but the former University of Florida coach has not been able to turn around the Redskins yet. He is 10-19 in just under two years, including a 5-10 mark this season. The Redskins finish the season against the Eagles on Saturday night.

And rumors continue to fly about Spurrier possibly returning to the college ranks. There is even speculation of Spurrier replacing Dave Wannstedt with the Miami Dolphins. Wannstedt's fate in Miami will be announced Monday or Tuesday.

Some members of the Redskins organization told the Post that they think it's likely that Spurrier will return to the team next season but they don't know for sure. Spurrier is leaving for a two-week vacation at home in Florida on Sunday, so a meeting with Snyder to discuss his future does not appear imminent.

The Spurrier saga and all the rumors has gotten so old and repetitive that I just don't care anymore. The one thing that does give me pleasure is that Spurrier has acknowledged that one of the things that burnt him out on the college game and pushed him into the hell of coaching in the NFL was the emotional let down after the 2001 Tennessee/Florida game.
I still remember him throwing himself to the ground on one knee with his head bowed and his visor in his hand after that loss. Ahhh, beautiful memories. If I were Spurrier, I'd take my millions to my Florida mansion and buy a few golf courses and be done with it! He may have been a genius at UF, but he sure isn't setting any fields on fire in Washington.
Originally posted by GAVol@Dec 28 2003, 04:42 PM
The one thing that does give me pleasure is that Spurrier has acknowledged that one of the things that burnt him out on the college game and pushed him into the hell of coaching in the NFL was the emotional let down after the 2001 Tennessee/Florida game.

I love that. It helps ease the pain of all those losses he put on us.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I remember that game... I was there. By the way, how did LSU do that year? :shakeit:

Sorry!!! Couldn't resist! :wassup:
Yeah, ... LSU won the SEC in 2001. By the way GA won in 2002 and LSU won again in 2003. This may all be common knowledge, but I won't take that for granted since Gator fans haven't had a reason to be in Atlanta for a championship game since the Clinton Administration.

Originally posted by GAVol@Dec 31 2003, 09:31 PM
Yeah, ... LSU won the SEC in 2001. By the way GA won in 2002 and LSU won again in 2003. This may all be common knowledge, but I won't take that for granted since Gator fans haven't had a reason to be in Atlanta for a championship game since the Clinton Administration.


Thats what hurts..UF has beaten the SEC champs the past 3 seasons! :angry: :angry:

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