Heres A Non April Fools Injury

crap. another one goes down. they're dropping like flies. it won't hurt us too bad though unless anderson gets injured. (knock on wood)
Originally posted by duckman398686@Apr 1, 2005 7:28 PM
crap. another one goes down. they're dropping like flies. it won't hurt us too bad though unless anderson gets injured. (knock on wood)

Yeah thanks for the jinx. Knocking on wood wont help our knee injuries.
Yeah thanks for the jinx. Knocking on wood wont help our knee injuries.

:blink: i thoght it was his shoulder he hurt not his knee.just a figure of speech. i don't beleive in all the supersticious crap. also LIO, it said that holbert was thought to be out of action until september.
Here is an interesting bit that I read...

16 of our players have had surgery since January. 26 players have missed playing time this spring.

So again I ask, why all the injuries? Even Fulmer admits that it is above average.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Apr 2, 2005 7:45 AM
Here is an interesting bit that I read...

16 of our players have had surgery since January.  26 players have missed playing time this spring.

So again I ask, why all the injuries?  Even Fulmer admits that it is above average.

Kids are gonna be kids,OWB. Pick-up games of basketball have contributed to some injuries, I know.
I think Stucky has been gone for awhile. 2 years?? I don't even know who the strength coach is now.
Originally posted by GAVol@Apr 2, 2005 1:44 PM
I think Stucky has been gone for awhile. 2 years?? I don't even know who the strength coach is now.

Johnny Long is the SC coach. Well be fine. Holbert will be ready for Florida.
that's right. lol. sorry bouy that. had a brain fart. :flush: i never did keep up with who the stength and conditioning coach was regualrly. the last name i heard thrown in there was stucky.

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