In the past, I would take a 4 seed in a milisecond this early in the season. UT has a great pitching coach now and Vitello and staff seem to be improving other areas of the D as well as the O a lot. I would take a 2 seed now. That means UT is a top 32 team in the country. I know UT has been cellar dwellers for a decade. But, it is time to expect more. I would rather see UT as a top 32 team in the country as opposed to a top 48 at the end of the season!!!
Edit, I see what you mean by the other 3 teams and playing in Greenville, NC. Yes, I would take a pool with the top team being a 15 seed (currently, East Carolina). You are right on the money in regards to that circumstance. You can't get better on location and top seed in the pool other than having a 16 seed.