Hey bammers



Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
This is great!

Alabama AD plans to discuss a contract extension for Mike Shula: Where do we even begin with this? Shula is 10-15 in his first two seasons. There has been marginal improvement at best since the Mike Price debacle.
That means his teams haven't sniffed at an SEC title 'Bama fans demand. His offenses are mundane. His teams are, well, boring. There's only thing worse than being mediocre, that's when people don't care. On a national level, Alabama football hasn't mattered in a while.
But Shula's contract states that AD Mal Moore must "review" the document before the end of the 2005 season.
If it was up to us, the review would go something like this:
Moore: "Mike, I reviewed your contract. It still says you make $900,000 per year through the 2008 season. Carry on."
A wire story stated that without an extension, Shula would have "only" three years left on a contract. That could be perceived as a recruiting weakness. How much "cushion" does a losing coach need on an extension. Is five years enough? Ten? :dlol:
Nothing was mentioned about what a .400 winning percentage will do to recruiting.
Just think what Shula's contract will look like if he ever gets above .500.

I'm starting to change my mind about Dodd... :p

The sentence highlighted in red is the sad truth (for Bama fans). No one here believes it. I lived in the midwest for 6 years and more people followed UF and UT than any other SEC teams. Bama wasn't on the radar.

Too bad this story is buried at the end of a BigTen praise article -- doubtful that Bama fans will see it and become enraged!
Originally posted by volinbham@Jun 7, 2005 1:05 PM
I'm starting to change my mind about Dodd... :p

The sentence highlighted in red is the sad truth (for Bama fans).  No one here believes it.  I lived in the midwest for 6 years and more people followed UF and UT than any other SEC teams.  Bama wasn't on the radar.

Too bad this story is buried at the end of a BigTen praise article -- doubtful that Bama fans will see it and become enraged!

Well, someone should go to Tidefans.com and post this article. Not me because I don't feel like creating a new account after they banned my first one.

Hey Bammers, this is for you :thefinger: :thefinger:
I wouldn't waste my time.

The article would either be deleted or changed so the morons look intelligent in their own minds.

Hey people, I'm not too sure just how much I want to be helping the Bammers out down there with their program. Alabama is one program that I would love to see mediocre for a long time.
It would deleted as soon as it was read on tidefans.com. Those admins have about as much tolerance as the nazi's & the German Gestapo did in the early 40's.

If your post dosent include "RTR", "I Luv The Bear", "Tennessee Sux", "Phil", "Auburn Sux", "I wish the Bear was still here" or "Tennessee is the reason we lose all our games" you can bet it will be deleted instantly and your account banned.

They live in a fantasy world (at tidefans) where they think EVERYONE thinks the Tide is to be revered as something great. They are mediocre AT BEST. Have been for a while and likely to remain that way.
His contract could be extended because a) no one has been giving Tide players money and/or B) no one has got caught giving Tide players money (yet).
Watxh what happens when a UT fans tries on a Bammer board. You can just smell a ban coming. I saw freak be much more forgiving on their phantom posters. At least Vol fans never hide behind a fake name like yeavols.

Bammer board

I am not responsible for loss of intelligence if above link is followed and I will not give you the 10 wasted minutes of your life back.
Well, they must have deleted the whole thing because I clicked and nothing came up at all!!!!!!! :eek:lol:
Originally posted by Septic@Jun 7, 2005 3:40 PM
It would deleted as soon as it was read on tidefans.com. Those admins have about as much tolerance as the nazi's & the German Gestapo did in the early 40's.

If your post dosent include "RTR", "I Luv The Bear", "Tennessee Sux", "Phil", "Auburn Sux", "I wish the Bear was still here" or "Tennessee is the reason we lose all our games" you can bet it will be deleted instantly and your account banned.

They live in a fantasy world (at tidefans) where they think EVERYONE thinks the Tide is to be revered as something great. They are mediocre AT BEST. Have been for a while and likely to remain that way.

Septic, just come on out ansay what you REALLY feel.


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