Hey Vol fans

Im not sure he's made his mind up yet? Clemson says he comming there, and A&M says he's an aggie. But i dont believe he's actualy either just yet.
Just the fact he may go to where.The coach they so loved walked out on them!That night (FRAN) left my tires were sliced and I was assaulted by a bunch of 'Bammers!!class at it's best!!True as it gets :gun: I needed a gun that night luckily my cell was still was working,good 'ole bammers :disappointed:
I see your point well!
Could you fill me in abit, not being sarcastic, about the war eagle and the tiger? Ive asked a few i know that are Auburn fans, and no one really knew the story behind it.
There is the legend but true no one actually knows the true origin!You can check the university site and it says the same!Only more believed legends basically 2 I think..But the civil War story is the most accepted.but that off the point screw Bamma :D

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